פרופ' ישעיהו ניצן
קורות חיים
1961-1965, BSc (cum laude), Microbiology and Biochemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
1966-1968, MSc (summa cum laude), Microbiology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
1968-1972, PhD, Biochemistry, Dept. of Chemical Immunology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
1974-1976, POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW, Research on variants of chloramphenicol acetyltransferases, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Leicester, England
1989-present, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Microbiology – Photosensitization, porin channels, The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1992-1993, SABBATICAL, Microbial Diseases and Photosensitization, Microbial Disease Research Laboratory, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Medical Center, UCLA
1989, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Medical Microbiology and Chemotherapy for medical students, Dept. of Human Microbiology, Tel-Aviv University
1986-1987, SABBATICAL, Microbiology, Dept. of Medical Microbiology, University of London, The London Hospital Medical College, England
1980-1989, SENIOR LECTURER, Microbiology, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1977-1993, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ADVISOR (part-time), Medical Microbiology Clinical Laboratories, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba
1976-1980, LECTURER, Microbiology, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
Academic Administrative Positions
2012- HEAD, Dept. of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Zefat Academic College
2008-2010, CHAIRMAN of the Committee for Evaluation of the Faculty of Life Sciences for the National Council for Higher Education (Malag)
2003-2007, HEAD, Optometry Program, Bar-Ilan University
2002-2003, DEPUTY HEAD, Optometry Program, Bar-Ilan University
1998-2002, DEPARTMENT HEAD, Cellular and Medical Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1996-1998, DEPUTY HEAD – as advisor for establishing new faculty, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1990-1991, CHAIRMAN AND ORGANIZER, Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microbiology
1988-1990, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1982-1985, DEPUTY HEAD, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
Public Scientific Activities
2005-2007, MEMBER, Control Committee of the Israel Society for Microbiology
2002-present, Member, National Council for Clinical Laboratories, Ministry of Health
2001-2006, Member, Educational Program Committee, Bar-Ilan University
2000-2002, Member, Committee for Stipends from the President’s Fund to excellent Ph.D. students
1998-2002, Head of the Educational Program Committee, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1997-2001, SECRETARY, Israel Society for Microbiology
1996-2001, MEMBER, General Committee of the Israel Society for Microbiology
1996-1998, MEMBER, Faculty of Natural Sciences Committee for Additional Work, Bar-Ilan University
1996-1998, MEMBER, Faculty of Natural Sciences Advisory Sub-Committee for Graduate Students, Bar-Ilan University
1994-2004, MEMBER, Educational Program of Bat-Yam College
1994-2004, MEMBER, Municipal Educational Committee Bat-Yam
1991-1993, MEMBER, General Committee of the Israel Society for Microbiology
1990-2000, MEMBER, Educational Committee of the National Religious Party, Bat-Yam Branch
1986-1997, MEMBER, Interviewing Committee for Acceptance to the Student Dormitories, Bar-Ilan University
1984-1997, MEMBER, Religious Council of Bat-Yam
1974-1975, Postdoctoral grant of the British Royal Society
1976, Medical Research Council postdoctoral grant
1974-1975, 1977, Recipient of the Bat-Sheva Rothschild Award
1990-2010, E. Rappaport Chair of Medical Microbiology
נושאי מחקר בעבר
1. תרפיה פוטודינמית - הרג והשמדה של חיידקים גרם-חיוביים, גרם-שליליים ושמרים ע"י חומרים משופעלי אור נראה הניתנים מבחוץ. כמו-כן, השראת יצירת חומרים משופעלי אור אנדוגניים בחיידקים בעזרת משרנים והריגתם באור נראה.
2. מבנה ותפקוד של חלבוני חריר (פורינים) יוצרי תעלה מהממברנה החיצונית של חיידקים גרם-שליליים אאירוביים ואנאארוביים. קביעת רצף חומצות האמינו בחלבונים אלה ובידוד של הגנים ההומולוגיים. פרדיקציה של המבנה השניוני של חלבוני החריר שבודדו ומציאת רצף חומצות האמינו בלולאות של חלבונים אלה. לולאות אלו חשובות להתנהגות הפתוגנית של החיידק ומשרות יצירת ציטוקינים בחולה המזוהם בחיידק.
3. מנגנוני תאחיזה של חיידקים (במיוחד סטפילוקוקים) לעצמות ואפשרות מניעת תאחיזה זו ע"י חומרים משופעלי אור חיצוניים.
4. בידוד, גידול וזיהוי מולקולרי של חיידקים אשר נאחזים בריר של אלמוגים.
5. איפיון גנטי מולקולרי של חיידקים אשר גורמים לזיהומים באוכלוסיות זקנות בארץ.
6. השרדות של וירוסים, חיידקים ופרזיטים חד-תאיים שונים במקורות שונים של מים וקולחין.
7. ננו חלקיקים ושימושם כבקטריוצידים.
נושאי מחקר בהווה
1. פוטואינאקטיבציה של חיידקים גרם-חיוביים וגרם-שליליים ע"י:
# קוניוגאטים של פוטונזיטייזר -אנטיביוטיקה.
# פוטוסנזיטייזרים המסיסים במים והעטופים בליפוזומים.
# תרפיה פוטודינמית אנטימיקרוביאלית בתוך תאי החיידקים.
# משטחים אנטי בקטריאליים המשופעלים באור נראה.
2. פעילות בקטריצידית של תרכובות אורגנו-טלוריום על חיידקי משפחת האנטרובקטריאצה ועל שמרים.
3. רגישות חיידקים לאור נראה רחב טווח והשפעתו על מהירות ריפוי פצעים מזוהמים.
4. פעילות אנטי בקטריאלית של ננו חלקיקים המורכבים ממטלואוקסידים והשפעת שפעולם באור נראה על הפעילות ההבקטריצידית של הננוחלקיקים.
5. אספקטים אקולוגיים וסביבתיים של מיקרואורגניזמים:
# איפיון סוגי חיידקים המפרקים טולואן.
# קיבוע של אנזימים העושים מטבוליזציה והסרה של פורמאלדהיד מהמדיום.
# אפקט של מתח חשמלי חיצוני בתאים ביואלקטריים.
Reviewed chapters in books
2006 Lampert,Y., Kelman, D., Dubinsky, Z., Nitzan, Y. and Hill, R.T. The Biodiversity of Coral-Associated Bacteria of the Gulf of Eilat in: Aqaba-Eilat, the Improbable Gulf. Environment, Biodiversity and Preservation, F.D.Por ed, Magnes Press pp 75-95, 2008
Nitzan, Y. and Pechatnikov, I. Approaches to kill Gram-negative bacteria by photosensitized processes. In: Photodynamic Inactivation of Microbial Pathogens - Medical and Environmental Applications. M.R. Hamblin and G. Jori Eds. RSC Publishing, Chapter 3. pp. 45-67, 2011
Nakonechny, F., Nisnevitch, M., Nitzan, Y. and Firer, A. New techniques in antimicrobial therapy: scope of application and overcoming drug resistence in nosocomial infections. In: Science against Microbial Pathogens: Comunicating current research and technological advances, Microbiology Book Series- Number 3. A. Mendez-Vilas Ed. Formatex Research Center. pp.684-691, 2011
Cahan, R., Levi, E. and Nitzan, Y. Characterization and identification of a soil isolate toluene – degrading Pseudomonas stuzeri from a chemical industry zone in Samaria. In: Judea and Samaria Research Studies Vol. 20. Billig, M. Editor, Ariel University Center Press, pp. 315-330. (2011) – In Hebrew
Nakonechny, F., Pinkus ,A.,Yehosha, O., Hai, S., Nitzan, Y. and Nisnevitch, M. Eradication of bacteria by photosenzitizers. In: Judea and Samaria Research Studies Vol. 20. M. Billig, Ed. Ariel University Center Press. pp.331 – 350, 2011, In Hebrew
Nakonechny, F., Nitzan, Y. and Nisnevitch, M. Olive oil-based delivery of photosensitizers for bacterial eradication. In: “Olive Oil “. D. Boskou Ed. InTech. Open Access. Chap. 26, pp. 471- 492, 2011.
Sibirny, V., Demkiv, o., Paryzhak, S., Klepach, H., Sigawi, S., Korpan,Y.,Smutok,O., Nisnevtch, M.,Gayda, G., Nitzan, Y., Puchalski, C. and Gonchar, M. Formaldehyde-oxidizing enzymes and genetically modified yeast Hansenula polymorpha cells in monitoring and removal of formaldehyde. In: Waste Water – Evaluation and Management. Einschlag F.S.G. Ed. InTech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, pp-115-154, 2011
Nisnevitch, M. Valkov A., Nakonechny, F., Gutterman, M. and Nitzan, Y. Antibiotic combined with photosensitizers: A novel approach to antibacterial treatment. In: Antibiotic Therapy: New Developments.A. Turner and J. Hall Eds. Chapter 2 pp.63-88. New Developments in Medical Research Series. NOVA Publication, 2013
Nisnevitch, M., Lugovskoy,S., Pinkus ,A., Nakonechny, F. and Nitzan Y. Antibacterial activity of photosensitizers immobilized onto solid supports via mechanochemical treatment. (Accepted for Publication in: eBook Open Access), 2013
Reviewed Articles
Girshevitz, O., Nitzan, Y. and Sukenik C.N. Solution-deposited amorphous titanium dioxide on silicone rubber: A conformal crack-free antibacterial coating. Chem. Mater. 20: 1390-1396, 2008
Lampert, Y., Kelman, D., Nitzan, Y., Dubinsky, Z., Behar, A. and Russel, T.H. Phylogenetic diversity of bacteria associated with the mucus of Red Sea corals. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol.64: 187-198, 2008
Magalashvili, L., Lazarovich, S., Pechatnikov, I., Wexler, H.M. and Nitzan, Y. Cytokine release and expression induced by P. asaccharolytica and B. fragilis monomeric porins. FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 53: 252-259, 2008
Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y. and Lubart, R. A possible mechanism for visible light induced wound healing. Lasers Surg. Med. 40: 509-514, 2008
Cahan, R., Friman, H. and Nitzan, Y. Antibacterial activity of Cyt1Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Microbiology (SGM) 154 : 3529-3536, 2008
Avidan, O., Kaltageser, E., Pechatnikov, I., Wexler, H., Shainskaya, A. and Nitzan, Y. Isolation and characterization of porins from Desulfovibrio piger and Bilophila wadsworthia: structure and encoding gene sequences. Arch. Microbiol. 190: 641-650, 2008
Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y. and Lubart, R. Sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus strains to broadband visible light. Photochem. Photobiol. 85:255-260, 2009
Applerot, G., Lipovsky, A., Dror, R., Perkas, N., Nitzan, Y., Lubart, R. and Gedanken, A. Enhanced antibacterial activity of nanocrystalline ZnO is due to increased ROS-mediated cell injury. Advanced Functional Materials 19: 842-852, 2009
Daniel-Hoffmann,M., Albeck, M.,Sredni, B.and Nitzan, Y. A potential antimicrobial treatment against ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae using the tellurium compound AS101. Arch. Microbiol. 191: 631-638, 2009
Pechorsky, A., Nitzan, Y. and Lazarovitch, Z., Rapid indentification and definition of frequent pathogenic bacteria in blood cultures. J. Microbiol. Methods 78: 325-330, 2009
Maor, Y., Lago, L., Zlotkin, A., Nitzan, Y., Belausov, N., Ben-David, D., Keller, N. and Rahav, G., Molecular features of heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA) strains isolated from bacteremic patients. BMC Microbiology 9: Article 189, 1-9, 2009
Friedman, H., Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y. and Lubart, R. Combined magnetic and pulsed laser fields produce synergistic accelaretion of cellular electron transfer. Laser Therapy 18: 137-141, 2009
Oriel, S. and Nitzan, Y. Photoinactivation of Candida albicans by its own endogenous porphyrins. Curr. Microbiol. 60: 117-123, 2010
Cahan, R., Swissa, N., Gelerman, G.and Nitzan, Y. Photosensitizer-Antibiotic conjugates: a novel class of antibacterial molecules. Photochem. Photobiol. 86: 418-425, 2010
Nisnevich, M., Nakonechny, F. and Nitzan, Y. Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy by liposome-encapsulated water-soluble photosensitizers. Russ. J. Bioorg. Chem. 36: 363-369, 2010, or Bioorg. Khim. 36: 396-402, 2010
Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y., Gedanken, A. and Lubart, R. Visible light-induced killing of bacteria as a function of wavelength: - Implication for wound healing. Lasers Surg. Med. 42: 467-472, 2010
Nisnevitch, M., Sigawi, S., Cahan, R. and Nitzan, Y. Isolation, characterization and the biological role of camlysin from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Israelensis. Curr. Microbiol. 61: 176-183, 2010
Nakonechny, F., Firer, M.A., Nitzan, Y. and Nisnevich, M. Intracellular antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: A novel technique for efficient eradication of pathogenic bacteria. Photochem. Photobiol. 86: 1350-1355, 2010
Gottesman,R., Shukla,S., Perkas, N., Solovyov, L.A., Nitzan, Y. and Gedanken, A. Sonochemical coating of paper by microbiocidal silver nanoparticles. Langmuir 27: 720-726, 2011
Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y., Gedanken, A. and Lubart, R. Antifungal activity of ZnO nanoparticles –The role of ROS mediated cell injury. Nanotechnology 22: 105101 (5 pp), 2011
Lipovsky, A., Gedanken, A, Nitzan, Y. and Lubart, R. Enhanced inactivation of bacteria by metal-oxide nanoparticles combined with visible light irradiation. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 43: 236-240, 2011
Sigawi, S., Smutok, O., Demkiv, O., Zakalska, O., Gayda, G., Nitzan, Y., Nisnevitch, M. and Gonchar, M. Immobilized formaldehyde-metabolizing enzymes from Hansenula polymorpha for removal control of airborne formaldehyde. J. Biotechnology 153: 138-144, 2011
Skirtenko, N., Richman, M., Nitzan, Y., Gedanken, A. and Rahimipour, S. A facile one pot sonochemical synthesis of surface-coated mannosyl protein microspheres for detection and killing of bacteria. Chem.Commun. (Camb). 47: 12277-12279, 2011
Cahan, R., Schwartz, R., Langzam ,Y. and Nitzan, Y. Light-activated antibacterial surfaces comprise photosensitizers. Photochem. Photobiol. 87: 1379-1386, 2011
Gedanken, A., Perkas, N., Perelshtein, I., Applerot, G., Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y. and Lubart, R. Fabrication of antimicrobial textiles using a sonochemical method. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering 4: 1-5, 2011
Lubart, R., Lipovsky, A. Nitzan, Y. and Freidman, H. A possible mechanism for the bactericidal effect of visible light (Review paper). Laser Therapy 20: 17-22, 2011
Oriel, S. and Nitzan, Y. Photoinactivation mechanism of Candida albicans by exogenous porphyrins. Photochem. Photobiol. 88: 604-612, 2012
Friman, H., Schechter, A., Nitzan, Y., and Cahan, R. Effect of external voltage on Pseudomonas putida F1 in Bio Electrochemical cells using toluene as a sole carbon and energy source. Microbiology 158: 414-423, 2012
Shimonovich, U., Cavaco-Paulo, A., Nitzan, Y. and Gedanken, A. Sonochemical coating of cotton and polyester fabrics with “antibacterial” BSA and casein spheres. Chemistry- A European Journal 18: 365-369, 2012
Applerot, G., Lellouche, J., Perkas, N., Nitzan, Y., Gedanken, A. and Banin, E. ZnO nanoparticles-coated surfaces inhibit bacterial biofilm formation and increase antibiotic susceptibility. (RCS Advances, 2: 2314-2321, 2012
Daniel-Hoffmann,M., Sredni,, B., Albeck, M. and Nitzan, Y. Bactericidal activity of the organo-tellurium compounds AS101 on Enterobacter cloacae. J. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 67:2165-2172, 2012
Friman, H., Schechter, A., Nitzan, Y., and Cahan, R. Phenol degradation in bio-electrical cells. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 84: 155-160, 2013
Nisnevich, M., Nikonov, S. and Nitzan, Y. Cytolytic peptide fragments of Cyt1Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Israelensis . Cell Biochem.Biophys 65:121-127, 2013
Applerot, G., Lellouche, J., Lipovsky, A., Nitzan, Y., Lubart, R., Gedanken, A. and Banin E. Understanding the antibacterial mechanism of CuO nanoparticles: Revealing the route of induced oxidative stress. Small 8: 3326-3337, 2012
Nakonechny, F., Nisnevich, M., Nitzan, Y. and Nisnevich, M. Sonodynamic excitation of Rose Bengal for eradication of Gram- positive and Gram- negative bacteria. BioMed Research International. article 684930, 1-7, 2013
Friman, H., Schechter, A., Ioffe, Y., Nitzan, Y. and Cahan, R. Current production in a microbial fuel cell using a pure culture of Cupriavidus basilensis growing in acetate or phenol as a carbon source. Microb. Biotechnol. 6:425-434, 2013
Nakonechny, F., Pinkus, A., Hai, S., Yehosha, O., Nitzan, Y. and Nisnevich, M. Eradication of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria by photosensitizers immobilized in polystyrene. Photochem. Photobiol.89: 671-678, 2013
Nitzan Y. and Nisnevitch M. Special Features of Gram-Positive Bacterial Eradication by Photosensitizers. Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery 8: 88-99, 2013
Cahan, R., Stein, M., Anker, Y., Langsam, Y. and Nitzan, Y. Innovative utilization of coal bottom ash for bioremediation of toxic organic pollutants. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 85: 421-428, 2013
Perkas,N., Lipovsky, A., Amirian, G., Nitzan, Y. and Gedanken, A. Biocidal properties of TiO2 powder modified with Ag nanoparticles. J. of Material Chemistry B - Issue of Nanoparticle in Biology 1: 5309-5316, 2013
Malka, E.,Perelshtein, I., Lipovsky, A., Shalom, Y., Naparstek, L.,Perkas, N., Patick, T., Lubart, R., Nitzan, Y., Banin, E. and Gedanken, A. Eradication of multi-drug resistant bacteria by novel Zn- doped CuO nanocomposite (Accepted for publication in Small)
Yalew, R., Kenigsbuch-Sredni, D., Sredni, B., and Nitzan, Y. Antibacterial effects of the tellurium compound OTD on E. coli isolates (Accepted for publication in Arch. Microbiol.).
Synergistic antibiotic compositions containing a porphyrin and an antibiotic. PCT U.S. 95/06998 (1996). Together with Malik, Z.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/08/2022