Prof. Yeshayahu Nitzan
1961-1965, BSc (cum laude), Microbiology and Biochemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
1966-1968, MSc (summa cum laude), Microbiology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
1968-1972, PhD, Biochemistry, Dept. of Chemical Immunology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
1974-1976, POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW, Research on variants of chloramphenicol acetyltransferases, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Leicester, England
1989-present, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Microbiology – Photosensitization, porin channels, The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1992-1993, SABBATICAL, Microbial Diseases and Photosensitization, Microbial Disease Research Laboratory, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Medical Center, UCLA
1989, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Medical Microbiology and Chemotherapy for medical students, Dept. of Human Microbiology, Tel-Aviv University
1986-1987, SABBATICAL, Microbiology, Dept. of Medical Microbiology, University of London, The London Hospital Medical College, England
1980-1989, SENIOR LECTURER, Microbiology, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1977-1993, Research and development projects advisOr (part-time), Medical Microbiology Clinical Laboratories, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba
1976-1980, LECTURER, Microbiology, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
Academic Administrative Positions
2008-2010, CHAIRMAN of the Committee for Evaluation of the Faculty of Life Sciences for the National Council for Higher Education (Malag)
2003-2007, HEAD, Optometry Program, Bar-Ilan University
2002-2003, DEPUTY HEAD, Optometry Program, Bar-Ilan University
1998-2002, DEPARTMENT HEAD, Cellular and Medical Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1996-1998, DEPUTY HEAD – as advisor for establishing new faculty, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1990-1991, CHAIRMAN AND ORGANIZER, Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microbiology
1988-1990, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1982-1985, DEPUTY HEAD, Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
Public Scientific Activities
2005-2007, MEMBER, Control Committee of the Israel Society for Microbiology
2002-present, Member, National Council for Clinical Laboratories, Ministry of Health
2001-2006, Member, Educational Program Committee, Bar-Ilan University
2000-2002, Member, Committee for Stipends from the President’s Fund to excellent Ph.D. students
1998-2002, Head of the Educational Program Committee, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
1997-2001, SECRETARY, Israel Society for Microbiology
1996-2001, MEMBER, General Committee of the Israel Society for Microbiology
1996-1998, MEMBER, Faculty of Natural Sciences Committee for Additional Work, Bar-Ilan University
1996-1998, MEMBER, Faculty of Natural Sciences Advisory Sub-Committee for Graduate Students, Bar-Ilan University
1994-2004, MEMBER, Educational Program of Bat-Yam College
1994-2004, MEMBER, Municipal Educational Committee Bat-Yam
1991-1993, MEMBER, General Committee of the Israel Society for Microbiology
1990-2000, MEMBER, Educational Committee of the National Religious Party, Bat-Yam Branch
1986-1997, MEMBER, Interviewing Committee for Acceptance to the Student Dormitories, Bar-Ilan University
1984-1997, MEMBER, Religious Council of Bat-Yam
1974-1975, Postdoctoral grant of the British Royal Society
1976, Medical Research Council grant for postdoctorants
1977, Recipient of the Bat-Sheva Rothschild Award
1990-2010, E. Rappaport Chair of Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Photodynamic therapy by exogenic porphyrins displays potent cytotoxic activity against Gram positive bacteria. For Gram-negative bacteria, photosensitization is possible only with a positively-charged porphyrin. The photodynamic effects on the viability of bacteria and yeasts are very efficient. Mechanisms of photoinactivation and target sites in the bacterial cell are investigated. Examination by electron microscopy of damage in intracellular structures, as well as the changes in the elemental content of the bacterial cells, is studied.
Photodynamic therapy by endogenic porphyrins is based on the ability of d-amino levulinic acid (ALA) to induce endogenic synthesis of porphyrins. Upon illumination, photoinactivation occurs, followed by intracellular damages and changes in the elemental content. The role of the endogenic porphyrins in the photodynamic process is studied.
Structure and function of pore-forming proteins isolated from the outer membrane of Gram negative bacterial. The penetration ability of sugars, amino acids and antibiotics through these porins is investigated. Sequencing of the proteins and isolation of the analogous genes are also investigated. Prediction of the secondary structure and finding the sequences of the loops that are very important for the pathogenic behavior of the microorganism, are investigated.
Other Research Subjects
1) Adhesion of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci to bones
2) Adherence mechanisms of bacteria to bones and its prevention using exogenous photosensitizers
3) Isolation, cultivation and molecular identification of bacteria that adhered to coral's mucus
4) Genetic characterization of bacteria causing infectious disease in the elderly population
5) Survival of viruses, bacteria and parasites in various sources of water
6) Nanoparticles and their use as bacteriocides.
Current Research Group Dr. Izabella Pechatnikov, Research Associate
Sassi Sigawi, PhD student
Esther Michael-Levi, PhD student
Marina Taran, MSc student
Nissim Swisa, PhD student
Mina Gutterman, PhD student
Neta-Li Buaron, MSc student
Sivan Sassi, MSc student
Last Updated Date : 10/08/2022