פרופ' אשר שיינברג
1. רצפטורים לאצטילכולין
רצפטורים לאצטיל-כולין מצויים על פני ממברנת השריר באזור המגע עם עצב. בעת כריתת העצב מופיעים רצפטורים חדשים על פני כל שריר. כאשר העצב עובר רגנרציה ומעצבב מחדש את השריר נעלמים הרצפטורים ממברנות השריר, פרט לאזור המגע עם העצב. מהו מנגנון המפקח על יצירה והעלמות הרצפטורים? מנגנון זה נחקר בשריר שלד ועצב הגדלים בתרבית.
2. תיקוני נזק בלב לאחר איסכמיה
אחת הסיבות העיקריות להתקפי לב נובעת מחוסר אספקת חמצן ללב. ניתן לצמצם את הנזק בלב בשיטות שונות. אנו מנסים לברר את מנגנון הפעולה של שיטות אלו ולפתח שיטות הגנה חדשות.
3. תמותה מתוכננת של תאי לב
אפופטוזיס לא נחקר באופן יסודי בתאי לב. אנו משרים אפופטוזיס בתאי לב בתרבית, ע"י חוסר חמצן או אגוניסט לרצפטורים לאדנוזין, ועוקבים אחרי השלבים השונים בהתפתחות התופעה מתוך מגמה לצמצם את הנזק הנגרם ללב.
4. רצפטורים לאדנוזין בלב
אדנוזין מפחית את קצב התכווצות הלב, וזה נעשה דרך הרצפטורים לאדנוזין. רצפטורים אלו תפקידם להגן על הלב בתנאי מצוקה. מהו המנגנון המשפיע על רמת הרצפטורים בתרבית, ומהו המנגנון המשפיע על רמת הרצפטורים בחולדה in vivo.
5. קביעת ריכוז סידן בתאים
מעקב אחרי תנועת יוני סידן בתוך תאי לב בהשפעת גורמים פיזיולוגיים ופרמקולוגיים. הבדיקה נעשית בעזרת מערכת דינמית להדמית סידן, המבוססת על מיקרוסקופ פלורסנטי שאליו מחוברת מצלמת וידאו רגישה לאור.
6. אדריאמיצין (דוקסורוביצין)
זוהי תרופה אנטי סרטנית בעלת תופעות לוואי כמו טוקסיות על הלב. אנו מנסים לברר את מנגנון הפעולה הקרדיוטוקסית של אדריאמיצין (דוקסורוביצין) ונסיונות לנטרל את הטוקסיות מבלי לפגוע בפעולה האנטי-סרטנית.
Shainberg, A. Electrical activity of skeletal and cardiac muscle grown in cell culture. M.Sc. Thesis, 43 pp., Bar-Ilan University and Weizmann Institute of Science, 1965.
Shainberg, A., Yagil, G. and Yaffe, D. Control of myogenesis in vitro by Ca2+ concentration in nutritional medium. Exp. Cell Res. 58: 163-167, 1969.
Shainberg, A. Muscle differentiation in vitro. Ph.D. Thesis, 135 pp., Weizmann Institute of Science, 1970.
Shainberg, A., Yagil, G. and Yaffe, D. Alterations of enzymatic activities during muscle differentiation in vitro. Develop. Biol. 25: 1-29, 1971.
Yaffe, D., Shainberg, A. and Dym, H. Studies on the perfusion stage during formation of multinucleated muscle fibers in vitro. In: "Research Concepts in Muscle Development and the Muscle Spindle". Excerpta Medica (eds. B. Banker et al.), Amsterdam 240:110-121, 1972.
Sachs, H., Goodman, R., Shin, S. Shainberg, A. and Pearson, D. Vasopressin and neurophysin biosynthesis in hypothalamic organ cultures. IV Internat. Cong. Endocrinol., Washington, DC. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp. 573-585, 1972.
Giller, E.L., Schrier, B.K., Shainberg, A., Fisk, N.R. and Nelson, P.G. Increased choline acetyltransferase activity in combined cultures of spinal cord and muscle cells from mice. Science 182: 588-589, 1973.
Sachs, H., Pearson, D., Shainberg, A., Shin, S., Bryce, G., Malamed S. and Mowles, T. Studies on the hypothalamo-neurohypophysical complex in organ culture. In: "Recent studies of Hypothalamic Function" (eds. K. Lederis and K.E. Cooper) S. Kurger, Basel), pp. 50-66, 1974.
Shainberg, A. and Klein, Z. Induction of acetylcholine receptor synthesis during myogenesis in vitro. EMBO Workshop on muscle cell culture in the study of gene expression during differentiation. Shoresh, Israel, pp. 21-22, 1975.
Pearson, D., Shainberg, A., Osinchak, J. and Sachs, H. The hypothalamo-neurohypophysical complex in organ culture: morphologic and biochemical characteristics. Endocrinology 96: 982-993, 1975.
Pearson, D. Shainberg, A., Malamed, S. and Sachs, H. The hypothalamo-neurohypophysical complex in organ culture: effects of metabolic inhibitors, biochemical and pharmacological agents. Endocrinology 96: 994-1003, 1975.
Shainberg, A., Cohen, S.A. and Nelson, P.G. Induction of acetylcholine receptors in muscle cultures. Pflugers Archiv, Europ. J. Physiol. 361: 255-261, 1976.
Shainberg, A. and Burstein, M. Decrease of acetylcholine receptor synthesis in muscle cultures by electrical stimulation. Nature 264: 368, 1976.
Shainberg, A. and Brik, H. The appearance of acetylcholine receptors triggered by fusion of myoblasts in vitro. FEBS Lett. 88: 327-331, 1978.
Burstein, M. and Shainberg, A. Concanavalin A inhibits fusion of myoblasts and appearance of acetylcholine receptors in muscle cultures. FEBS Lett. 103: 33-37, 1979.
Birnbaum, M., Reis, M.A. and Shainberg, A. Role of calcium in the regulation of acetylcholine receptor synthesis in cultured muscle cells. Pflugers Archiv. 385: 37-43, 1980.
Brik, H. Landman, A. and Shainberg, A. Appearance of muscle proteins triggered by fusion of myotubes in vitro. EMBO Workshop on muscle cell culture in the study of gene expression during differentiation. Shoresh, Israel pp. 5. 1980.
Reis, M.A. and Shainberg, A. Effect of electrical stimulation on acetylcholine receptor synthesis in cultured myotubes. In: "Plasticity of Muscle" (ed. D. Pette), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York
pp. 453-465, 1980. -
Shainberg, A., Shahar, A., Burstein, M. and Giacobini, E. Effect of innervation on acetylcholine receptors in muscle cultures. In: "Tissue Culture in Neurobiology" (eds. E. Giacobini et al.) Raven Press, pp. 25-33, 1980.
Reis, M.A., Klein, Z., Birnbaum, M. and Shainberg, A. Studies of acetylcholine receptor level regulation in myotube cultures. EMBO Workshop on muscle cell culture in the study of gene expression during differentiation. Shoresh, Israel, pp. 5, 1980.
Reis, M.A., Amir, A., Gamliel, A., Zangen, S., Shainberg, A. and Fuchs, P. Drug effects on acetylcholine receptor function. In: "Neurotransmitters and their Receptors" (eds. U.Z. Littauer et al.) John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp. 303 -308, 1980.
Zoref, E., Shainberg, A. and Sperling, D. Characterization of purine nucleotide metabolism in primary rat muscle cultures. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 7l6: 324-330, l982.
Sampson, S.R., Bannett, R.R. and Shainberg, A. Effects of thyroxin on transmembrane resting potentials of skeletal muscle cells in culture. J. Neurol. Res. 8: 595-601, 1982.
Shainberg, A. and Pearl, R. Activity of muscle cultures measured by 2-deoxyglucose uptake. Int. J. Develop. Neurosci. 1: 267-271, 1983.
Brik, H., Bar-Shavit, R. and Shainberg, A. Effect of thyroid hormones on acetylcholine receptors and Na-K-ATPase in muscle differentiated in vitro. In: "Serum-free Cell Culture: Advances in Hormone Supplemented Media," eds. G. Brunner, R. Wiester and S. Fischer, 1983.
Shainberg, A., Isaac, A. Reuveni, S., Mizrahi, A. and Shahar, A. Differentiation of myoblasts on microcarriers in culture. In: "Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Myogenesis and Myofibrillogenesis in Cell Cultures", (eds. H. Eppenberger, J.C. Perriard) S. Karger, Basel, 1983.
Shainberg, A., Isaac, A. Reuveni, S., Mizrahi, A. and Shahar, A. Myogenesis on microcarrier cultures.
J. Cell Biol. Internat. Repts. 7: 727-734, 1983. -
Zoref-Shani, E., Shainberg, A. and Sperling, O. Alterations in purine nucleotide metabolism during muscle differentiation in vitro. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 116: 507-519, 1983.
Sampson, S.R., Babila, T., Disatnik, M.H., Shainberg, A. and Yoles, E. Evidence for a functional role of acetylcholinesterase in cultured chick myotubes. Brain Res. 289: 338-341, 1983.
Shainberg, A., Brik, H. and Bar-Shavit, R. Effect of thyroid hormones on acetylcholine receptors and Na-K-ATPase in muscle cultures. Exp. Biol. Med. 9: 30-34, 1984.
Bannett, R.R., Sampson, S.R. and Shainberg, A. Influence of thyroid hormone on some electrophysiological properties of developing and mature rat skeletal muscle cells in culture. Brain Res. 294: 75-82, 1984.
Shainberg, A., Brik, H. and Bar-Shavit, R. Inhibition of acetylcholine receptor synthesis by thyroid hormones. J. Endocrinol. 101: 141-147, 1984.
Shainberg, A. and Isaac, A. Inhibition of acetylcholine receptor synthesis by conditioned medium of electrically stimulated muscle cultures. Brain Res. 308: 373-377, 1984.
Shahar, A., Reuveny, S,. Mizrahi, A. and Shainberg, A. Differentiation of dissociated embryonic central nervous system cells and of myoblasts cultured on microcarriers. Att. Acad. Med. Torino CXLVII: 33-39, 1984.
Zoref-Shani, E., Shainberg, A. and Sperling, O. Purine nucleotide metabolism in primary rat skeletal muscle cultures. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 165: 425-428, 1984.
Shainberg, A. and Cahan, R. Inhibition of myogenesis by trifluoperazine and compound 48/80. Cell Biol. Int. Rpt. 9: 265-273, 1985.
Amir, A., Fuchs, P., Reis, M. and Shainberg, A. Effect of phencyclidine and analog drugs on acetylcholine receptor of cultured muscle cells. Biochem. Pharmacol. 34: 949-954, 1985.
Shahar, A., Mizrahi, A., Reuveny, S., Zinman, T. and Shainberg, A. Differentiation of myoblasts with nerve cells on microcarriers in cultures. Develop Biol. Standards. 60: 263-268 1985.
Shainberg, A. and Cahan, R. Trifluoperazine inhibits myogenesis in vitro In: "Membranes and Muscle"
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Shainberg, A. and Isaac, A. Conditioned medium of electrically stimulated muscle cultures inhibits acetylcholine receptor synthesis, In: "Membranes and Muscle" (eds. C. Berman, W. Gevers and L. Opie) IRL Press 6: 376-378, 1985.
Zoref-Shani, E., Shainberg, A. and Kessler-Icekson, G. Production and degradation of AMP in cultured rat skeletal and heart muscle. A comparative study. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 195 485-491, 1986.
Gamliel, A., Schreiber, G. and Shainberg, A. Synergistic inhibition by trifluoperazine and phencyclidine of carbamylcholine-induced Ca2+ influx in muscle cultures. Biochem. Pharmacology 36, 2271-2277, 1987.
Brodie, C., Bake, A. Shainberg, A. and Sampson, S.R. Role of Na-K ATPase in regulation of resting membrane potential of cultured rat skeletal myotubes. J. Cell Physiol. 130: 191-198, 1987.
Rosenschein, U., Radnay, J., Shoham, D., Shainberg, A., Klajman, A. and Rozenszajn, L.A. Human muscle-derived tissue specific, myocytotoxic T cell lines in dermatomyositis. Clin. Exp. Imm. 67:
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Shahar, A., Bider, M., Amir, A. and Shainberg, A. Autologous neuronal and muscle co-cultures. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 253, 45-58, 1987.
Shainberg, A., Gamliel, A. and Schreiber, G. Trifluoperazine and Phencyclidine inhibit synergistically carbamylcholine-induced cation influx in muscle cultures. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 253, 287-301, 1987.
Shainberg, A., Silverberg, M. and Brik, H. Changes in the level of acetylcholine receptors mediated by Calcium. Prog. Clin., Biol. Res. 253, 303-314, 1987.
Zoref-Shani, E., Shainberg, A. and Sperling, O. Pathways of adenine nucleotide catabolism in primary rat muscle cultures. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 926, 287-295, 1987.
Djaldetti, M., Gilgal, R., Shainberg, A., Klein, B., and Zahavi, I. SEM observation on the effect of Anthracycline drugs on cultured embryonic rat cardiomyocytes. Basic Res. Cardiology 83; 672-677, 1988.
Brik, H., Alkaslassi, L., Harell, D. Sperling, O. and Shainberg, A. Thyroxine-induced redistribution of creatine kinase isoenzymes in rat cardiomyocyte cultures. Experientia 45: 591-594, 1989.
Brik, H., Gamliel, A. and Shainberg, A. Characterization of sarcoplasmic reticulum in skinned muscle cultures. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 980: 273-280, 1989.
Brik, H. and Shainberg, A. Thyroxine induces transition of red towards white muscle in cultured heart cells. Basic Res. Cardiology 85: 237-246, 1990.
Tagerud, S., Libelius, R. and Shainberg, A. High endocytic and lysosomal activities in segments of rat myotubes differentiated in vitro. Cell and Tissue Research, 259: 225-232, 1990.
Disatnik, M.H., Sampson, S.R. and Shainberg, A. Characterization of ß-adrenergic receptors on muscle cells grown in vitro. Biochem. Pharmacology 40: 1043-1048, 1990.
Birnbaum, M., Trink, B., Shainberg, A. and Salzberg, S. Activation of interferon-system during myogenesis in vitro. Cell Differentiation 45: 138-145, 1990.
Disatnik, M.H. and Shainberg, A. Regulation of ß-adrenoceptors by thyroid hormones and amiodarone in rat myocardial cells in culture. Biochem. Pharmacol. 41: 1039-1044, 1991.
Djaldetti, M., Gilgal, R., Shainberg, A., Klein, B., and Zahavi, I. Effect of Anthracycline drugs on the element content of rat cultured embryonic cardiomyocytes. Drug Res. 41: 1173-1175, 1991.
Weinstein, L., Brik, H., Rotmensch, H.H. and Shainberg, A. Characterization of sarcophasmic reticulum in skinned cardiac muscle cultures. Cell Physiol. 148: 124-132, 1991.
Shoshan-Barmatz, V. and Shainberg, A. Thyroxine inhibition of Ca2+ accumulation by isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1065: 82-88, 1991.
Shainberg, A., Brik, H., Silverberg, M. and Gamliel, A. Calcium mediated changes in acetylcholine receptors in muscle culture. In: "Adaptive mechanisms of muscle", (ed., F. Guba) Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 97-105, 1992.
Disatnik, M.H. and Shainberg, A. Effects of calcium and calcium-channel blocker D600 on the
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Waisberg, M. and Shainberg, A. Characterization of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in intact myocardial cells in vitro. Biochem. Pharmacol. 43: 2327-2334, 1992.
Shahar, A., Reuveny, S., Zhang, M., Espinosa, A., deLos Montros, A., DeVellis, J. and Shainberg, A. Differentiation of myoblasts and CNS-cells grown on either separately or as cocultures on microcarriers. Cytotechnology 9: 107-115, 1992.
Rochkind, S., Wollman, Y., Isaac, A., Novikov, Y., Ouaknine, G.E. and Shainberg, A. Influence of low power laser irradiation on acetylcholine receptors and creatine phosphokinase content in denervated muscle and longevity of cultured myoblasts. In: Laser Applications in Medicine and Surgery,
(Eds. G. Galletti, L. Bolognani and G. Ussia) Monduzzi Editore Bologna, Italy 1992 pp. 91-95. -
Freud-Silverberg, M. and Shainberg, A. Electric stimulation regulates the level of voltage-dependent
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Safran, N., Shainberg, A., Haring, R., Gurwitz, D. and Shahar, A. Selective neurotoxicity induced by lasalocid in dissociated cerebral cultures. Toxicol. In Vitro 7: 345-352, 1993.
Birnbaum, M., Shainberg, A. and Salzberg, S. Infection with Maloney Murine Sarcoma Virus inhibits myogenesis and alters the myogenic-associated (2'-5')Oligoadenylate synthetase expression and activity. Virology 194: 865-869, 1993.
Shahar, A., Reuveny, S., David, Y., Budo, C. and Shainberg, A. Cerebral neurons, skeletal myoblasts and cardiac muscle cells cultured on macroporous beads. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 43: 826-831, 1994.
El-Ani, D., Jacobson, K. and Shainberg, A. Characterization and regulation of adenosine receptors in intact cultured heart cells. Biochem. Pharmacol. 48: 727-735, 1994.
Cahan, R. Shainberg, A. Malik, Z. and Nitzan, Y. Biochemical and morphological changes in rat muscle cultures caused by 28000 mol. wt. toxin of Bacillus Thuringiensis israelenesis. Toxicon 32: 1125-1136, 1994.
Cahan, R. Shainberg, A. Pechatnikov, I. and Nitzan, Y. A 28,000 mol wt toxin from Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis induces cation transport in rat muscle cultures. Toxicon 33: 943-951, 1995.
El-Ani, D., Jacobson, K., and Shainberg, A. Regulation of adenosine receptors in cultured heart cell. in: Molecular and Subcellular Cardiology: Effects on Structure and Function, edited by S. Sideman and R. Beyar. 205-216, 1995.
Salzberg, S., Mandelbaum, M., Zalzberg, M. and Shainberg, A. Interruption of myogenesis by transforming growth factor b1 or EGTA inhibits expression and activity of the myogenic -associated (2'-5') oligoadenylate synthetase and PKR. Exp. Cell. Res. 219: 223-232, 1995.
Arie-Saadia, G., Sofer, S. Zlotkin, E. and Shainberg, A. Effect of Yellow Scorpion venom (Leiurus quinquestriatus) on Ca and deoxyglucose uptake in cardiac cells in culture. Toxicon, 134; 435-442, 1996.
Breitbart, E. Sofer, Y. Shainberg, A. and Grossman, S. Lipoxygenase activity in heart cells. FEBS Letters 395: 148-152, 1996
El-Ani, D., Jacobson, K. and Shainberg, A. Effects of theophylline and dibutyryl cAMP on adenosine receptors and heart rate in cultured cardiocytes. J. Basic & Clinical Physiol. Pharmacol. 7: 347-362, 1996.
Safran, N., Haring, R., Gurwitz, D., Shainberg, A., Halili, I., Levi, A., Bogin, E. and Shahar, A. Selective neurotoxicity induced by the ionophore lasalocid in rat dissociated cerebral cultures, involvement of NMDA receptors/channel. NeuroToxicology 17: 883-886, 1996.
Lubart, R., Friedmann, H., Grossmann, N. Synakov, M. Adamek, M. and Shainberg, A. Low energy doses of visible (633 nm) and near infrared (780 nm) lasers change intracellular Ca2+ concentration in fibroblasts. SPIE 2929: 12-17, 1996.
Zinman, T. Malik, Z. Salzberg, S. and Shainberg A. Inhibition of malignant cell proliferation by culture media conditioned by cardiac or skeletal muscle. Cell Biol. Int. 21: 133-144, 1997.
Halli-Rutman, I. Hershko, C. Link, G. and Shainberg, A. Inhibition of calcium accumulation by the sarcoplasmic reticulum: A putative mechanism for the cardiotoxicity of adriamycin. Biochem. Pharmacol. 54: 211-214, 1997.
Zangen, A. and Shainberg, A. Effect of thiamine depletion on cardiac cells in culture. Biochem. Pharmacol. 54: 575-582, 1997.
Manoach, M., Varon, D., Shainberg, A., Zinman, T., Isaac, A., Kaplan, D. and Tribulora, N. The protective effect of class III antiarrhythmic agents against calcium overload in cultured myocytes. Life Sciences 61: PL 227-234, 1997.
El-Ani, D., Jacobson, K., and Shainberg, A. Regulation of A1 adenosine receptors by amiodarone and electrical stimulation in rat myocardial cells in vitro. Biochem. Pharmacol. 54: 583-587, 1997.
Adamek, M., Shainberg, A., Schwartz, F. and Rochkind, S. Alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential in photosensitized cardiocytes monitored by fast-response fluorescent probe. SPIE 3191:
146-154, 1997. -
Adamek, M., Shainberg, A., Schwartz, F. and Rochkind, S. Activity of sodium pump in photosensitized rat cardiocytes. SPIE 3191: 140-145, 1997.
Schwartz, F., Adamek, M., Brodie, C. and Shainberg, A. Effect of low energy laser irradiation on cytokines secretion from skeletal muscle cells-involvement of calcium in the process. SPIE 3198: 48-54, 1997.
Lubart, R., Friedmann, H., Sinyakov, M., Grossman, N., Adamek, M. and Shainberg, A. Low energy doses of HeNe laser (633 nm) radiation changes intracellular Ca2+ concentration in fibroblasts. Laser Therapy 9: 115-120, 1997.
Safran, N., Haring, R., Shainberg, A., Zisling, R., Futerman A.H. and Shahar, A. Nerve cell death induced by Ca2+ ionophores in dissociated hippocampal cultures, possible protective action of calcium channel blockers. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 429: 207-219, 1997.
Shneyvays, V., Nawrath, H., Jacobson, K.A. and Shainberg, A. Induction of apoptosis in cardiac myocytes by an A3 adenosine receptor agonist. Exp. Cell Res. 243: 383-397, 1998.
Rochkind, S., Nissan, M., Ouaknine, G.E. and Shainberg, A. Photo-dynamic stimulation of the nerve and muscle. In: “Photodiagnostic and Phototherapeutic Techniques in Medicine” (eds. G. Jori and C. Perria,
pp. 145-161, 1998. -
Zangen, A. Zangen, R. and Shainberg, A. Furosemide and digoxin inhibit thiamine uptake in cardiac cells. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 361: 151-155, 1998.
Nawrath, H. Klein, G., Rupp, J., Wegener, J.W. and Shainberg, A. Open state block by fendiline of
L-type Ca channels in ventricular myocytes from rat heart. J. Pharamcol. Exp. Ther. 285: 546-552, 1998. -
Manoach, M., Varon, D., Shainberg. A., Zinman, T, Isaac, A. and Tribulova, N. The antiarrhythmic-defibrillatory effects of d-sotalol in monolayer of rat cardiomyocytes. Proceedings of the XXV International Congress on Electrocardiology, Eds. L. Bacharova and PW Macfarlane, World Scientific, London, 1998, pp 8-13.
Fassbender, V., Wegener, J.W., Shainberg, A. and Nawrath, H. Inhibition by fendiline of the transient outward current in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 33: 905-911, 1999.
Avtalion, N., Avtalion, R., Tirosh, R., Shainberg, A., Weinreb, A., Avinoach, I. and Deutsch, M. Preparation of a diagnostic antigen of human melanoma based on lymphocyte activation as measured by intracellular fluorescein fluorescence polarization. Cancer Detect. Prev. 23: 64-71, 1999.
Fischer, B. Yefidof, R., Major, D.T., Zinman, T., Rutman, I., Jacobson, K. and Shainberg, A. Characterization of mini-nucleotides as P2 (ATP) – receptor agonists in rat cardiac cells. J. Med. Chem. 42: 2685-2696, 1999.
Adamek, M. Shainberg, A. Rochkind S and Trzeciak H. Zaburzenia rownowagi electrolitowej w fotouczulanych komorkach. In : Fotodynamiczna metoda rozpoznawania I leczenia nowotworow.
Ed A. Graczykowa. Dom Wydawniczy Bellona, Warszawa pp 206-243, 1999. -
Seitz, S., Wegener, J., Rupp, J., Watanabe, M., Jost, A., Gerhard, R., Shainberg, A. and Ochi, R., Nawrath. Involvement of K+ channels in the relaxant effects of YC-1 in vascular smooth muscle. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 382: 11-18, 1999.
Manoach M., Varon D., Tribulova N., Shainberg A., Zinman T., Isaac A. and Imanaga I. Are the antiarrhythmic defibrillating effects of d-sotalol due to or despite of the prolongation of the action potential duration? Life Sciences 65: 273-280, 1999.
El-Ani, D., Jacobson, K.A., Zimlichman, R., Katz, A. and Shainberg, A. Uptake of glucose analogs reflects the rate of contraction of cultured myocytes. J. Basic Clinic Physiol. Pharmacol. 10: 287-303, 1999.
Manoach, M., Varon, D., Tribulova, N., Zinman, T., Isaac, A., Kaplan, D., Khananshvili, D. and Shainberg, A. The role of sarcoplasmic reticulum in the protective effect of class III drugs against Ca2+ overload. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 18: 19-24, 1999.
Shneyvays, V., Jacobson, K.A., Li, A.-H., Nawrath, H., Zinman, T., Isaac, A. and Shainberg, A. Induction of apoptosis in rat cardiocytes by A3 adenosine receptor activation and its suppression by isoproterenol. Exp. Cell Res. 257: 111-126, 2000.
Shainberg, A., Safran, N., Balas, N., Zinman, T., Isaac, A., Schwab, K., Akabayov, B. and Shneyvays, V. The role of A1/A3 adenosine receptor activation in reduction of cardiomyocyte injury caused by hypoxic stress and in induction of apoptosis in rat cardiomyocyte cultures. Ed. O. Sperling and E. Shani. In: Purines and Pyrimidines in Man: Basic and Clinical Aspects. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 486, 201-205, 2000.
Shneyvays, V., Safran, N., Halili-Rutman, I. and Shainberg, A. Insights into adenosine A1 and A3 receptors function: Cardiotoxicity and cardioprotection. Drug Dev. Res. 50, 324-337, 2000.
Weizman, E., Rothmann, C., Greenbaum, L., Shainberg, A., Adamek, M., Ehrenberg, B. and Malik, Z. Mitochondrial localization and photodamage during photodynamic therapy with tetraphenylporphines. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B Biol. 59, 92-102, 2000.
Tribulova, M., Manoach, M., Varon, D., Shainberg, A., Okruhlicova, L. and Stetka, R. Low K+-induced subcellular, histochemical and connexin43 alterations initiate ventricular fibrillation. La Revista de la Federacion Argentina de Cardiologia 29, 811-825, 2000.
Safran, N., Shneyvays, V., Balas, N., Jacobson, K.A. and Shainberg, A. Cardioprotective effects of adenosine A1 and A3 receptor activation during hypoxia in isolated rat cardiac myocytes. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 217, 143-152, 2001.
Budu, C.E., Balas, N., Nawrath, H. and Shainberg, A. Increased cardiac a1 adrenoceptor density in rats following treatment with amiodarone. J. Basic Clin. Physiol. Pharmacol. 12, 33-47, 2001.
Shneyvays, V., Mamedova, L., Zinman, T., Jacobson, K.A. and Shainberg, A. Activation of A3 adenosine receptor protects against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. J. Mol. Cell Cardiol. 33,
1249-1262, 2001. -
Tribulova, M., Manoach, M., Varon, D., Okruhlicova, L., Zinman, T. and Shainberg, A. Dispersion cell-to-cell uncoupling precedes low K-induced ventricular fibrillation. Physiol. Res. 50, 247-259, 2001.
Goldenberg, I., Grossman, E., Jacobson, K.A., Shneyvays, V. and Shainberg, A. Angiotensin II-induced apoptosis in rat cardiocyte culture, a possible role of AT1 and AT2 receptors. J. Hypertens. 19, 1681-1689, 2001.
Fixler, D., Tirosh, R., Shainberg, A. and Deutsch, M. Cytoplasmic changes in cardiac cells during a contraction cycle detected by fluorescence polarization. J. Fluorescence 11, 89-100, 2001.
Balas, N., Arad, M., Rabinowitz, B. and Shainberg, A. Modulation of cardiac A1-adenosine receptors in rats following treatment with agents affecting heart rate. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 231, 107-116, 2002.
Schwartz, F., Brodie, C., Appel, E., Kazimirsky, G. and Shainberg, A. Effect of helium/neon laser irradiation on nerve growth factor synthesis and secretion in skeletal muscle cultures. J Photochem Photobiol B. 66, 195-200, 2002.
Shneyvays, V., Mamedova, L.K., Korkus, A. and Shainberg A. Cardiomyocyte resistance to doxorubicin mediated by A3 adenosine receptor. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 34, 493-507, 2002.
Fixler, D., Tirosh, R., Zinman, T., Shainberg, A. and Deutsch, M. Differential aspects in ratio measurements of [Ca2+]i relaxation in cardiomyocyte contraction following various drug treatments. Cell Calcium 31, 279-287, 2002.
Shneyvays, V., Mamedova, LK, Leshem D. Korkus A. and Shainberg, A. Insights into adenosine A1 and A3 receptors cardioprotection function. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology 7, 138-145, 2002.
Mamedova, L.K., Shneyvays, V., Katz, A. and Shainberg, A. Mechanism of glycogen supercompensation in rat skeletal muscle cultures. Mol. Cell Biochem. 250, 11-19, 2003.
Fixler, D., Tirosh, R., Zinman, T., Shainberg, A. and Deutsch, M. Fluorescence polarization: a novel indicator of cardiomyocyte contraction. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 300, 23-28, 2003.
Hochhauser, E., Kivity, S., Offen, D., Maulik, N., Otani, H., Barhum, Y., Pannet, H., Shneyvays, V., Shainberg, A., Goldshtaub, V., Tobar, A. and Vidne, B.A. Bax ablation protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in transgenic mice. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 284, H2351-H2359, 2003.
Goldenberg, I., Shainberg, A., Jacobson, K.A., Shneyvays, V. and Grossman, E. Adenosine protects against angiotensin II-induced apoptosis in rat cardiocyte cultures. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 252, 133-139, 2003.
Vigoda, A., Mamedova, L.K., Shneyvays, V., Katz, A. and Shainberg, A. Glycogen metabolism in rat heart muscle cultures after hypoxia. Mol. Cell. Biochem 254, 311-318, 2003.
Lavie, R., Shainberg, A., Friedmann, H., Shneyvays, V., Rickover, O., Eichler, M., Kaplan, D. and Lubart, R. Low energy visible light induces reactive oxygen species generation and stimulates an increase of intracellular calcium concentration in cardiac cells. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 40917-40922, 2003.
Zinman, T., Shainberg, A., Tribulova, N. and Manoach M. Acute-nongenomic effect of thyroid hormones against calcium overload in newborn rat cultured myocytes. Int. J. Bioelectromagnetism 5, 154-156, 2003.
Shneyvays, V., Leshem D. Mamedova, LK, and Shainberg, A. Activation of A1 and A3 adenosine receptors protects cardiomyocytes during hypoxia by distinct mechanism. In Myocardial Ischemia & Preconditioning. Edit: N.S. Dhalla, N. Takeda, M. Singh & A.Lukas. Kluer academic publishers, Boston. 24: 347-364, 2003.
Hochhauser, E., Kaminski, O., Shalom, H., Leshem, D., Shneyvays, V., Shainberg, A. and Vidne, B.A. Role of adenosine receptor activation in antioxidant enzyme regulation during ischemia-reperfusion in isolated rat heart. Antioxid Redox Signal 6, 335-344, 2004.
Tribulova, N. Shneyvays, V., Mamedova, L., Moshel, S., Zinman, T., Shainberg, A., Manoach, M. Weismann, P. and Kostin, S. Enhanced connexin-43 and alpha sarcomeric actin expression in cultured heart myocytes exposed to triiodo-L-thyronine. J. Mol. Histochem. 35, 463-470, 2004.
Shneyvays, V., Zinman, T. and Shainberg, A. Analysis of calcium responses mediated by the A3 adenosine receptor in cultured newborn rat cardiac myocytes. Cell Calcium 36, 387-396, 2004.
Shainberg, A., Leshem, D., Shneyvays, V. and Zinman, T. The role of adenosine A(1) and A(2) receptors in cardiocytes with impaired mitochondrial function. Cardiovasc. J S Afr. 15, S15, 2004.
Lavie, R., Sinyakov, M., Samuni, A., Shatz, S., Shainberg, A., Friedmann, H., Breitbart, H. and Lubartת R. ESR detection of 1O2 reveals enhanced redox activity in illuminated cell cultures. Free Radical Res. 38, 893-902, 2004.
Yitzhaki, S., Shneyvays, V., Jacobson, K.A. and Shainberg, A. Involvement of uracil nucleotides in protection of cardiomyocytes from hypoxic stress. Biochem. Pharmacol. 69, 1215-1223, 2005.
Lubart, R., Eichler, M., Lavi, R., Friedman, H. and Shainberg, A. Low-energy laser irradiation promotes cellular redox activity. Photomed. Laser Surg. 23, 3-9, 2005.
Shmist, Y.A., Kamburg, R., Ophir, G., Kozak, A., Shneyvays, V., Appelbaum, Y.J. and Shainberg, A. TPEN improved myocardial protection against ischemia by modulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 313, 1046-1057, 2005.
Shneyvays, V., Leshem, D., Zinman, T., Mamedova, L.K., Jacobson, K.A. and Shainberg, A. Role of adenosine A1 and A3 receptors in regulation of cardiomyocyte homeostasis following mitochondrial respiratory chain injury. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 288, H2792-H2801, 2005.
Shneyvays, V., Leshem, D., Shmist, Y., Zinman, T. and Shainberg, A. Effects of menadione and its derivative on cultured cardiomyocytes with mitochondrial disorders. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 39, 149-158, 2005.
Korkus, A., Shneyvays ,V., Hochhauser, E., Chepurko, Y., Sagie, A., Mansur, M., Vidne, B.A. and Shainberg, A. Adenosine A3 receptor-mediated protection against doxorubicin-induced cardiac mitochondrial toxicity. Medimond International Proceedings. 25th European Section Meeting- International Society for Heart Research. F621C0 128: 47- 52, 2005.
Perreira, M., Jiang, J., Klutz, A., Gao, Z.G., Shainberg, A., Lu, C. Thomas, C.J. and Jacobson, K.A. “Reversine” and its 2-substituted adenine derivatives as potent and selective A3 adenosine receptor antagonists. J. Med. Chem. 48: 4910-4918, 2005.
Eichler, M., Lavi, R., Shainberg, A. and Lubart, R. Flavins are source of visible-light-induced free radical formation in cells. Lasers Surg. Med. 37: 314-319, 2005.
Erkasap, N., İkizler, M., Shneyvays, V., Zinman, T., Mamedova, L.K., Uyar, R. and Shainberg, A. Leptin protects the cardiac myocytes cultures from hypoxic damage. Life Sci. 78: 1098-1102, 2006.
Shmist, Y.A., Goncharov, I., Eichler, M., Shneyvays, V., Isaac, A., Vogel, Z. and Shainberg, A. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol protects cardiac cells from hypoxia via CB2 receptor activation and nitric oxide production. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 283: 75-83, 2006.
Zinman, T., Shneyvays, V., Tribulova, N., Manoach, M. and Shainberg, A. Acute - nongenomic effect of thyroid hormones against calcium overload in newborn rat cardiocytes. J. Cell Physiol. 207: 220-231, 2006.
Yitzhaki, S., Shainberg, A., Cheporko, Y., Vidne, B. A., Sagie, A., Jacobson, K. A., and Hochhauser, E. Uridine-5'-triphosphate (UTP) reduces infarct size and improves rat heart function after myocardial infarct. Biochem. Pharmacol. 72: 949-955, 2006.
Zurgil, N., Shafran, Y., Afrimzon, E., Fixler, D., Shainberg, A., and Deutsch, M. Concomitant real-time monitoring of intracellular reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial membrane potential in individual living promonocytic cells. J. Immunol. Methods 316, 27-41, 2006.
Ben-Ari, Z., Pappo, O., Cheporko, Y., Yasovich, N., Offen, D., Shainberg, A., Leshem, D., Sulkes, J., Vidne, B.A. and Hochhauser, E. Bax ablation protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in transgenic mice. Liver Transplantation 13: 1181-1188, 2007.
Hochhauser, E., Leshem, D., Kaminski, O., Cheporko, Y., Vidne, B.A. and Shainberg, A. The protective effect of prior ischemia reperfusion adenosine A1 or A3 receptor activation in the normal and hypertrophied heart. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 6: 363-368, 2007.
Eichler, M., Lavi, R., Friedmann, H., Shainberg, A. and Lubart, R. Red light-induced redox reactions in cells observed with TEMPO. Photomed Laser Surg. 25:170-174, 2007.
El-Ani, D., Zimlichman, R., Mashiach, Y. and Shainberg, A. Adenosine and TNF-alpha exert similar inotropic effect on heart cultures, suggesting a cardioprotective mechanism against hypoxia. Life Sci. 81: 803-813, 2007.
Yitzhaki, S., Hochhauser, E, Porat, E. and Shainberg, A. Uridine-5'-triphosphate (UTP) maintains cardiac mitochondrial function following chemical and hypoxic stress. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 43: 653-662, 2007.
Rickover, O., Zinman, T., Kaplan, D. and Shainberg, A. Exogenous nitric oxide triggers classic ischemic preconditioning by preventing intracellular Ca2+ overload in cardiomyocytes. Cell Calcium. 43: 324-333, 2008.
Klutz, A.M., Gao, Z.G., Lloyd, J., Shainberg, A. and Jacobson, K.A. Enhanced A3 adenosine receptor selectivity of multivalent nucleoside-dendrimer conjugates. J. Nanobiotechnol. 6: 12-26, 2008.
Ben-Ari, Z., Pappo, O., Yitzhaki, S., Cheporko, Y., Shainberg, A., Ravid, A., Kurtzwald, E., Zinman, T., Mor, E. and Hochhauser, E. Uridine-5’-triphosphate (UTP) protects against hepatic ischemic/reperfusion injury in mice. Transplantation 87: 1155-1162, 2009.
Shainberg, A., Yitzhaki, S., Golan, O., Jacobson, K.A. and Hochhauser, E. Involvement of UTP in a Protection of Cardiomyocytes from Hypoxic Stress. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 87: 287-299, 2009.
Rochkind, S., Geuna, S. and Shainberg, A. Phototherapy in peripheral nerve injury effects on muscle preservation and nerve regeneration. Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 87: 445-464, 2009.
Emanuelov, A.K., Shainberg, A., Chepurko, Y., Kaplan, D., Sagie, A., Porat, E., Arad, M. and Hochhauser, E. Adenosine A3 receptor-mediated cardioprotection against doxorubicin-induced mitochondrial damage. Biochem. Pharmacol. 79(2): 180-187, 2010.
Tribulova, N., Knezl, V., Shainberg, A., Seki, S., Soukup, T. Thyroid hormones and cardiac arrhythmias. Vascular Pharmacol. 52: 102-112, 2010.
Lavi, R., Shainberg, A., Shneyvays, V., Hochhauser, E., Isaac, A., Zinman, T., Friedmann, H. and Lubart, R. Detailed analysis of reactive oxygen species induced by visible light in various cell types. Lasers Surg. Med. 42: 473-480, 2010.
Keene, A.M., Balasubramanian, R., Lloyd, J., Shainberg, A. and Jacobson, K.A. Multivalent dendrimeric and monomeric adenosine agonists attenuate cell death in HL-1 mouse cardiomyocytes expressing the A(3) receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol. 80: 188-196, 2010.
Fallach, R., Shainberg, A., Avlas, O., Fainblut, M., Chepurko, Y., Porat, E. and Hochhauser, E. Cardiomyocyte toll-like receptor 4 is involved in heart dysfunction following septic shock or myocardial ischemia. J. Mol. Cell Cardiol. 48: 1236-1244, 2010.
Katz, G., Khoury, A., Kurtzwald, E., Hochhauser, E., Porat, E., Shainberg, A., Seidman, J.G., Seidman, C.E., Lorber, A., Eldar, M. and Arad, M. Optimizing CPVT therapy incalsequestrin-mutant mice. Heart Rhythm 7: 1676-1682, 2010. PubMed PMID: 20620233.
Leshem-Lev, D., Hochhauser, E., Chanyshev, B., Isak, A. and Shainberg, A, Adenosine A1 and A3 receptor agonists reduce hypoxic injury through the involvement of p38 MAPK. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 345: 153-160, 2010.
Avlas, O., Fallach, R., Shainberg, A., Porat, E. and Hochhauser, E. Toll-like receptor 4 stimulation initiates an inflammatory response that decreases cardiomyocyte contractility. Antioxidants Redox. Signal. 15(7): 1895-1909, 2011.
Golan, O., Issan, Y., Isak, A., Leipziger, J., Robaye, B. and Shainberg, A. Extracellular nucleotide derivatives protect cardiomyocytes against hypoxic stress. Biochem. Pharmacol. 81(10): 1219-1227, 2011.
El-Ani, D., Stav H., Guetta, V., Arad, M. and Shainberg, A. Rapamycin (sirolimus) protects against hypoxic damage in primary heart cultures via Na+/Ca2+ exchanger activation. Life Sci. 89(1-2): 7-14, 2011.
Geistrikh, I., Visochek, L., Klein, R., Miller, L., Mittelman, L., Shainberg, A. and Cohen-Armon, M. Ca2+-induced PARP-1 activation and ANF expression are coupled events in cardiomyocytes. Biochem. J. 438(2): 337-347, 2011.
Cohen, R., Shainberg, A., Hochhauser, E., Cheporko, Y., Tobar, A., Birk, E., Pinhas, L., Leipziger, J., Don, J. and Porat, E. UTP reduces infarct size and improves mice heart function after myocardial infarct via P2Y2 receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol. 82(9): 1126-33, 2011.
Lavi, R., Ankri, R., Sinyakov, M., Eichler, M., Friedmann, H., Shainberg, A., Breitbart, H. and Lubart, R. The plasma membrane is involved in the visible light-tissue interaction. Photomed. Laser Surg. 30(1): 14-19, 2012.
Chanyshev, B., Shainberg, A., Isak, A., Litinsky, A., Chepurko, Y., Tosh, D.K., Phan, K., Gao, Z.G., Hochhauser, E. and Jacobson, K.A. Anti-ischemic effects of multivalent dendrimeric A₃ adenosine receptor agonists in cultured cardiomyocytes and in the isolated rat heart. Pharmacol. Res. 65(3): 338-346, 2012.
Chanyshev, B., Shainberg, A., Isak, A., Chepurko, Y., Porat, E. and Hochhauser, E. Conditioned medium from hypoxic cells protects cardiomyocytes against ischemia. Mol. Cell Biochem. 363(1-2): 167-178, 2012.
Ben Ari, Z., Avlas, O., Pappo, O., Zilbermints, V., Cheporko, Y., Bachmetov, L., Zemel, R., Shainberg, A., Sharon, E., Grief, F. and Hochhauser, E. Reduced hepatic injury in Toll-like receptor 4-deficient mice following D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide-induced fulminant hepatic failure. Cell Physiol. Biochem. 29(1-2): 41-50, 2012.
Shafran, Y., Zurgil, N., Afrimzon, E., Tauber, Y., Sobolev, M., Shainberg, A. and Deutsch, M. Correlative analyses of nitric oxide generation rates and nitric oxide synthase levels in individual cells using a modular cell-retaining device. Anal Chem. 84(17): 7315-7322, 2012.
Fixler, D., Yitzhaki, S., Axelrod, A., Zinman, T. and Shainberg, A. Correlation of magnetic AC field on cardiac myocyte Ca2+ transients at different magnetic DC levels. Bioelectromagnetics 33(8): 634-640, 2012.
Kurtzwald-Josefson, E., Hochhauser, E., Katz, G., Porat, E., Seidman, J.G., Seidman, C.E., Chepurko, Y., Shainberg, A., Eldar, M. and Arad, M. Exercise training improves cardiac function and attenuates arrhythmia in CPVT mice. J. Appl. Physiol. 113(11): 1677-1683, 2012.
Gez, L.S., Hagalili, Y., Shainberg, A. and Atlas, D. Voltage-Driven Ca(2+) Binding at the L-type Ca(2+) channel triggers cardiac excitation-contraction coupling prior to Ca(2+) influx. Biochemistry 51: 9658-9666, 2012.
Golberg, M., Fixler, D., Shainberg, A., Zlochiver, S., Micó, V., Garcia, J., Beiderman, Y. and Zalevsky, Z. Speckle-based configuration for simultaneous in vitro inspection of mechanical contractions of cardiac myocyte cells. J. Biomed. Opt. 18: Article number 101310, 2013.
Anuka, E., Yivgi-Ohana, N., Eimerl, S., Garfinkel, B., Melamed-Book, N., Chepurkol, E., Aravot, D., Zinman, T., Shainberg, A., Hochhauser, E. and Orly, J. Infarct-induced steroidogenic acute regulatory protein: A survival role in cardiac fibroblasts. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 27: 1502-1517, 2013.
Hochhauser, E., Cohen, R., Waldman, M., Maksin, A., Isak, A., Aravot, D., Jayasekara, P.S., Müller, C.E., Jacobson, K.A. and Shainberg, A. P2Y2 receptor agonist with enhanced stability protects the heart from ischemic damage in vitro and in vivo. Purinergic Signal. 9: 633-642, 2013.
Waldman, M., Hochhauser, E., Fishbein, M., Aravot, D., Shainberg, A. and Sarne, Y. An ultra-low dose of tetrahydrocannabinol provides cardioprotection. Biochem. Pharmacol. 85: 1626-1633, 2013.
Hochhauser, E., Avlas, O., Fallach, R., Bachmetov, L., Zemel, R., Pappo, O., Shainberg, A. and Ben Ari, Z. Bone marrow and nonbone marrow toll like receptor 4 regulate acute hepatic injury induced by endotoxemia. PLoS ONE 8: e73041, 2013.
Zalevsky, Z., Golberg, M., Fixler, D., Shainberg, A., Zlochiver, S., Micó, V., Garcia, J. and Beiderman, Y. Photonic inspection of cardiac myocyte cell contractions. SPIE, 10.1117/2.1201308.004974, 2013.
Katz, G., Shainberg, A., Hochauser, E., Kurtzwald, E., Issac, A., El-Ani, D., Aravot, D., Afek, A., Seidman, J.G., Seidman, C.E., Eldar, M. and Arad, M. The role of mutant protein level in sutosomal recessive catecholamine dependent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT2). Biochem. Pharmacol. 86: 1576-1583, 2013.
Alcalay, Y., Hochhauser, E., Kliminski, V., Dick, J., Parnes, D., Schlesinger, H., Abassi, Z., Shainberg, A., Schindler, R.F.R., Brand, T. and Kessler-Icekson, G. Popeye domain containing 1 (Popdc1/Bves) is a caveolae-associated protein involved in ischemia tolerance. PLoS ONE 8, e71100, 2013
Rochkind, S. and Shainberg, A. Protective effect of laser phototherapy on acetylcholine receptors and creatine kinase activity in denervated muscle. Photomed. Laser Surg. 31: 499-504, 2013.
Rochkind, S., Geuna, S. and Shainberg, A. Phototherapy and nerve injury: Focus on muscle tesponse. Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 109C: 99-109, 2013.
Issan, Y., Kornowski, R., Aravot, D., Shainberg, A., Laniado-Schwartzman, M., Sodhi, K., Abraham, N.G. and Hochhauser, E. Heme oxygenase-1 induction improves cardiac function following myocardial ischemia by reducing oxidative stress. PLoS One, 2014; 9: e92246.
Kurtzwald-Josefson, E., Hochhauser, E., Bogachenko, K., Harun-Khun, S., Katz, G., Aravot, D., Seidman, J.G., Seidman, C.E., Eldar, M., Shainberg, A. and Arad, M. Alpha blockade potentiates CPVT therapy in calsequestrin-mutant mice. Heart Rhythm 11: 1471-1479, 2014.
Maksin-Matveev, A., Kanfi, Y., Hochhauser, E., Isak, A., Cohen, H.Y. and Shainberg, A. Sirtuin 6 protects the heart from hypoxic damage. Exp. Cell Res. 330: 81-90, 2014.
El-Ani, D., Philipchik, I., Stav, H., Levi, M., Zerbib, J. and Shainberg, A. Tumor necrosis factor alpha protects heart cultures against hypoxic damage via activation of PKA and phospholamban to prevent calcium overload. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 92: 917-925, 2014.
Avlas, O., Bragg, A., Fuks, A., Nicholson, J.D., Farkash, A., Porat, E., Aravot, D., Levy-Drummer, R.S., Cohen, C., Shainberg, A., Arad, M. and Hochhauser, E. TLR4 expression is associated with left ventricular dysfunction in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. PLoS One, 2015;10(6):e0120175. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0120175.
Hochhauser, E., Lahat, E., Sultan, M., Pappo, O., Waldman, M., Sarne, Y., Shainberg, A., Gutman, M., Safran, M. and Ari, Z.B. Ultra low dose delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol protects mouse liver from ischemia reperfusion injury. Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 36: 1971-1981, 2015. doi: 10.1159/000430165.
Levy, E., Kornowski, R., Gavrieli, R., Fratty, I., Greenberg, G., Waldman, M., Birk, E., Shainberg, A., Akirov, A., Miskin, R. and Hochhauser, E. Long-lived αMUPA mice show attenuation of cardiac aging and leptin-dependent cardioprotection. PLoS One, 2015, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144593. eCollection 2015.
Avlas, O., Srara, S., Shainberg, A., Aravot, D. and Hochhauser, E. Silencing cardiomyocyte TLR4 reduces injury following hypoxia. Exp. Cell Res., 2016 doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2016.07.020.
Adler, D., Fixler, D., Scheinowitz, M., Shainberg, A. and Katz, A. Weak electromagnetic fields alter Ca(2+) handling and protect against hypoxia-mediated damage in primary newborn rat myotube cultures. Pflugers Arch. 468: 1459-1465, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00424-016-1837-2.
Visochek, L., Grigoryan, G., Kalal, A., Milshtein-Parush, H., Gazit, N., Slutsky, I., Yeheskel, A., Shainberg, A., Castiel, A., Seger, R., Langelier, M.F., Dantzer, F., Pascal, J.M., Segal, M., Cohen-Armon, M. A PARP1-ERK2 synergism is required for the induction of LTP. Sci Rep., 2016 Apr 28;6:24950. doi: 10.1038/srep24950.
Rochkind, S. and Shainberg, A. Muscle response to complete peripheral nerve injury: Changes of acetylcholine receptor and creatine kinase activity over time. J. Reconstr. Microsurg., 2017. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1598619.
Kurtzwald-Josefson, E., Yadin, D., Harun-Khun, S., Waldman, M., Aravot, D., Shainberg, A., Eldar M., Hochhauser, E. and Arad, M. Viral delivered gene therapy to treat catecholamine dependent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT2) in mouse models. Heart Rhythm, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2017.03.025.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 14/07/2020