פרופ' רפאל פרל-טרבס
קורות חיים
1982, BSc, with honors, Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crop Department, Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel
1985, MSc, Plant Genetics Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
1990, PhD, Plant Genetics Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
1990-1992, Postdoctoral research, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA
2007-present, Associate Professor
Plant Molecular Genetics and Development
The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan, Israel
1999-2007, Senior Lecturer
Plant Molecular Genetics and Development
The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan, Israel
2002, Sabbatical Fellow
Plant/pathogen interaction
Plant Industry Division, CSIRO, Wembley (Perth) West Australia
1993-1999, Lecturer
Plant Molecular Genetics and Development
Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Public Scientific Activities
2005-2009, Treasurer of the Israeli Society of Plant Sciences
2008, Scientific Board of the Cucurbitaceae 2008 International Conference
Avignon, France
2006-2007, Head of the Israeli Society of Plant Sciences
2005-2007, Evaluation Committee for Field and Garden Crops, BARD
2001-2005, Evaluation and Steering Committee for Agriculture according to Halachic Law, Chief Scientist’s Office of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture
1999-2000, Scientific Board organizing the Cucurbitaceae 2000 International Conference, Ma’ale Ha’Hamisha, March 2000
1994-1996, Evaluation Committee for Field and Garden Crops, BARD and Chief Scientist's Office of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture
Past and Present Members of our Group (*=presently in the lab)
*Dr. Irina Kovalski, New immigrant Scientist and lab assistant, 1993-present;
Thesis/Project: Development and mapping of RAPD markers in melons
Dr. Leah Silberstein, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1993-2002
Thesis/Project: Development and mapping of RFLP markers in melons
Dr. Huang Ruguo, Postdoctoral Fellow - part time, 1995
Thesis/Project: RAPD and RFLP genotyping of pathogenic fungi and melon varieties
Dr. Xiang Yu, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1995
Thesis/Project: Cloning of sex related genes in cucumber
Dr. Naama Kessler, Laboratory assistant part-time, 1998-1999
Thesis/Project: Cloning characterization of male specific cDNAs in cucumber
Anat Kahana, Ph.D., 1998 (joint supervision with Prof. Y. Cohen)
Thesis: Molecular characterization of sex expression in cucumber
Naomi Rosenmann, M.Sc., 1996
Thesis: Isolation and characterization of homeotic genes in cucumber
Asya Stepansky, M.Sc., 1998
Thesis: Molecular and phenotypic variation in the melon germplasm
Yariv Brotman, M.Sc., 2000
Thesis: Cloning and linkage analysis of resistance-gene homologues from melon
Anat Goldberg, M.Sc., 2002
Thesis: Genes expressed in buds of C. sativus
Talia Saraf-Levy, Ph.D., 2003
Thesis: Role of ethylene perception in cucumber sex expression
Anat Goldberg, M.Sc., 2002
Thesis: Genes expressed in buds of C. sativus
Dr. An Lizheé, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2000
Project: Genetic transformation of C. sativus
Salih Kafkas, Ph.D. student at Chukrova University, Turkey. Joint supervision with Prof. Selim Cetiner, performed a two-year project at Bar-Ilan University, 1998 – 2000
Project: Wild Pistacia species from Turkey: sex expression, genetic diversity and evaluation as rootstock for P. vera
Dr. Premanand Rajagopalan, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2001-2003
Project: Genetic transformation of Cucumis sativus
Yariv Brotman, Ph.D., 2004
Thesis: Mapping of resistance-genes from melon
Mor Grinberg, M.Sc., 2003
(Joint supervision Dr. Victoria Sorozker and Dr. Eric Palewski, A.R.O.)
Thesis: Interaction between cucumber and the broad mite
Michal Segal, M.Sc., 2003
Thesis: Pto kinase homologs in melon
Isaac Goldenberg, M.Sc., 2004
Thesis: Mapping resistance genes in melon
Ran Herman, Ph.D., 2008
Thesis: Inheritance & mapping of Fusarium race 1,2 resistance in melon
Zvi Zvirin, M.Sc., 2006
Thesis: Mapping Fusarium resistance in melon
Anat Hendelman, M.Sc., 2006
Thesis: Expression of microRNA in developing cucumber flowers
Avital Baniel, M.Sc., 2007
Thesis: Control of fruit set in Cucumis
Valentina Davidovich, M.Sc. student, 2010
Thesis: Engineered hormonal changes in cucumber
Ohad Yogev, M.Sc., 2009
Thesis: Melon root transformation
Mor Grinberg, Ph.D., 2009
(Joint supervision Dr. Victoria Sorocker, A.R.O.)
Thesis: Interaction between cucumber and the broad mite
Isaac Goldenberg, Ph.D., 2009
(Joint supervision Dr. Nurit Katzir, A.R.O.)
Thesis: Positional cloning of resistance genes in melon
Avida Shoham, M.Sc. student, 2010
(Joint supervision Dr. Ron Cohen, A.R.O.)
Thesis: Partial resistance of melons to Fusarium oxysporum
*Toiba Safronova, M.Sc. student, 2008-
(Joint supervision Dr. Victoria Sorocker, A.R.O.)
Thesis: Interaction between tomato, the broad mite and whiteflies
*Dikla Elul, M.Sc. student, 2009-
(Joint supervision Dr. Victoria Sorocker, A.R.O.)
Thesis: Interaction between tomato, the broad mite and whiteflies
Rina Zagouri, M.Sc. student, 2010
Thesis: Cloning of the sex determining gene androecious in cucumber
Michael Normantovich, M.Sc. student, 2010
Thesis: Composite melon plants expressing Fusarium resistance
Golan Miller, M.Sc. student, 2011
Thesis: Control of fruit set in Cucumis
Yulia Goltsev, M.Sc. student, 2011
Thesis: Hormonal control of fruit set in Cucumis
*Anastacia Stovbun, M.Sc student, 2013
Project: Positional cloning of resistance genes in melon
Arie Amitzur , M.Sc student, 2012
Thesis: Mapping of the parthenocarpy trait in cucumber
*Michael Normantovich, Ph.D. student, 2010-
Thesis: Fusarium and PRSV resistance genes in melon
*Golan Miller, Ph.D. student, 2012 -
Thesis: Fusarium-melon interaction
*Yulia Goltsev, Ph.D. student, 2012 -
Thesis: Hormonal control of fruit set in Cucumis
*Arie Amitzur , Ph.D. student, 2013 -
Thesis: Potyvirus resistance genes in melon
In addition, I have provided academic supervision to graduate students who performed their research at the Agricultural Research Organization:
Esther Aftergoot, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Ilan Paran), 1997-1999
Hila Spanov, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Yedidya Gafni), 2001-2003
Natalia Gerchikov, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Idit Ginzburg), 2002-2005
Tal Twito, Ph.D. (A.R.O. and Hebrew University, co-supervisors Dr. Uri Lavi and Prof. Yossef Hillel), 2002-2009
Noga Yaakov, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Yedidya Gafni), 2003-2006
Dvora Schwarzberg, Ph.D. (co-supervisor Dr. David Granot), 2004-2008
Sarit Faraj-Barhom, Ph.D. (co-supervisor Dr. Amnon Lers), 2004-2009
Efrat Saar-Glick, Ph.D. (co-supervisor Dr. Yedidya Gafni), 2004-2009
Pinhas Kritz, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Idit Ginzburg), 2005-2007
Yelena Ivanov, Ph.D. (co-supervisor Dr. David Kenigsbuch), 2006-
Shahar Oheli, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Oz Barazani), 2008-2010
Anat Krepkanovich, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Yuval Cohen), 2009-2010
Nir Hanin, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Oz Barazani), 2013
Amalia Aboudi, Ph.D. (co-supervisor Dr. Yedidya Gafni), 2009-
Amir Dekel, M.Sc. (co-supervisor Dr. Victoria Sorocker), 2011-
* שים לב: בגירסה האנגלית של האתר מובא פירוט מלא ומאוייר של מחקרינו.
תחום הגנטיקה המולקולרית בצמחים הוא מעניין ודינמי, גם מבחינה מדעית וגם מהצד היישומי. מעבדתנו מתמחה בצמחים ממשפחת הדלועיים - בעיקר מילון ומלפפון. הפרוייקטים השונים עוסקים בעיקר בשני נושאים:
א) כיצד מתגונן הצמח מפני מחלות ומזיקים? במסגרת זו אנו מבצעים:
1) מיפוי ושיבוט הגן לעמידות לפטריית הפוזריום גזע 2 (גזע 0) במלון, התוקפת את השורשים ומחוללת מחלת נבילה קשה. כן נעשה מיפוי ושיבוט הגן לעמידות לווירוס הפאפאיה ווירוס צהבון הקישוא במלון. המיפוי נעשה בעזרת סמני דנ"א שאנו מפתחים או מיישמים במיגוון של שיטות, ובעזרת אוכלוסיות צמחים בהן מתפצלת העמידות למחלות הנ"ל כתכונה מונוגנית-דומיננטית. מיפוי כזה מספק למטפחי הזנים סמני דנ"א דיאגנוסטיים לאיתור תכונת העמידות בצאצאי ההכלאות שהם מבצעים, והוא הוביל גם לשיבוט הגן לעמידות והבנת דרך פעולתו. בעקבות כך אנו חוקרים את האינטראקציה החלבונית בין חלבוני עמידות לחלבונים של הפתוגן ("אפקטורים). כן ביצענו איפיון גנטי ומיפוי של עמידות לפוזריום גזע 1.2 במלון. זהו גזע נוסף של אותה פטריה אך מנגנון ההורשה של העמידות כמותי, מעורבים בו כנראה מספר גנים.
2) זיהוי מנגנוני הגנה של צמחים כנגד אקרית העיוותים - פרוק-רגליים מיקרוסקופי התוקף טווח גידולים רחב מאוד, ומעט ידוע על תגובת הצמח ודרכי הגנה אפשריות מפניו. אנו מאפיינים את מנגנון הנזק ואת התגובה של הצמח ברמה האנטומית, הביוכימית, וביטוי הגנים, עקב ההתקפה.
ב) כיצד מבקרים בני משפחת הדלועיים את התמיינות פרחי הזכר והנקבה על הצמח? דלועיים מצטיינים במנגנוני התפתחות ייחודיים ומורכבים המווסתים את מין הפרחים. הללו מעניינים גם מבחינה ביולוגית-התפתחותית, גם בגלל חשיבותם בקביעת היבול ובשליטה על ההאבקה. מעבדתנו שיבטה גנים קובעי-מין במלפפון וגילתה כי גנים אלה קשורים לייצור ממוקד של ההורמון אתילן בניצן הפרח.
ג) כיצד מבוקר מספר הפירות שצמח עשוי לחנוט? מדוע חלק מהשחלות המופרות אינן חונטות פרי? אילו הורמונים מבקרים את התהליך? נושא זה נחקר במגוון שיטות כגון צמחים מהונדסים, מוטנטים בגנים של מסלולי הסוכר וההורמונים, ושיטות מעולם הביולוגיה המערכתית.
ד) לימוד השונות הגנטית במין מלון, מין בעל גיוון עצום בתכונות הפרי. בפרוייקט משותף ישראלי-פלסטיני אנו יוצרים ומאפיינים אוסף של זנים מקומיים המהווים משאב גנטי לטיפוח זנים עתידי.
2 hrs lecture, 1st year, 1st semester.
Provides an introduction to biological principles and concepts such as membranes, biological macromolecules, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, multicellularity, genetic information,. An overview of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protists; a taxonomic survey of the plant kingdom from lower to higher plants. Major plant processes: photosynthesis, nitrogen assimilation, plant-water relationships, phloem transport, response to environmental stimuli.
Course No. 80-225 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
Lecture: 3 hours a week, 2nd year, 2nd semester (jointly with Dr. Orit Shaul).
The course covers major topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology. The scientific approaches and techniques that served to make the main discoveries in the field are emphasized. Relevance of physiological processes to Agriculture and Environmental Protection is discussed, and examples of Molecular studies based on Plant Physiology are given.
Contents: Introduction: The Plant Kingdom, vegetal "principles of life", challenges of botanical research. Photosynthesis: thermodynamic and photochemical principles, light and dark reactions, chloroplast structure, photorespiration, adaptation to environmental changes, sucrose and starch synthesis. Plant-water relations: water potential and its components, water and mineral conduction in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, the photosynthesis-transpiration dilemma, stomatal action, response to drought stress. Transport of assimilates in the phloem. Nitrogen metabolism in plants. Introduction to growth and differentiation. Plant hormones: structure, assays, responses, mode of action. Photomorphogenesis: phytochrome and other photoreceptors, photoperiodic induction of flowering.
2 hrs lecture + 2 hrs practice, 3rd year, 2nd semester
Key-aspects of Plant Genetics are addressed, starting from the classical genetic level, required to understand the foundation of the more modern approaches, through somatic cell genetics and cytogenetics, down to molecular studies of the Plant Genome and Genetic Engineering.
Contents: Introduction to the plant genome: nuclear genome size and composition, genomics approaches. The chromosomes: ploidy systems in plants, cytogenetic achievements in plant research and breeding. The chloroplast and the mitochondrial genomes in plants. Genome mapping and use of molecular markers in plant breeding. Map-based cloning. Plant tissue culture and its applications: protoplast and cell cultures, embryogenesis and organogenesis, haploid cultures, in vitro selection. Somatic cell fusions. Genetic engineering of plants: transformation methods. Overexpression and repression of plant genes; marker genes and reporter genes; examples of transgenic plants with agricultural potential.
Practice involves reading and analysis of relevant scientific literature, genomics database mining and computing a genetic map, and visits to a plant tissue culture company and a seed company that applies molecular methods in breeding.
The course consist of 1-hour seminars, a series of presentations and discussions delivered by students on a current research topic in Plant Biology.
2 hrs lecture, jointly with Dr. Hinanit Koltai and Dr. Vered Irihimovitch, ARO
The course discusses major themes in plant development, related to leaf, root, flower and fruit induction and organogenesis. Hormonal signals and molecular mechanisms that orchestrate plant development are emphasized. Students are requested to present mini-seminars related to key research articles, as a basis for in depth discussion of modern methodologies and model plants employed in the field.
1. Perl-Treves, R. and Galun, E. (1985) The Cucumis plastome: physical map, intrageneric variation and phylogenetic relationship. Theor. Appl. Genet. 71: 417-429.
2. Perl-Treves, R., Zamir, D., Navot, N. and Galun, E. (1985) Phylogeny of Cucumis based on isozyme variability and its comparison with plastome phylogeny. Theor. Appl. Genet. 71: 430-436.
3. Perl-Treves, R., Nacmias, B., Aviv, D., Zeelon, E.P. and Galun, E. (1988) Isolation of two cDNA clones from tomato containing two different superoxide dismutase sequences. Plant Mol. Biol. 11: 609--623.
4. Perl-Treves, R., Abu-Abied, M., Magal, N., Galun, E. and Zamir, D. (1990) Genetic mapping of tomato cDNA clones encoding the chloroplastic and cytosolicisozymes of superoxide dismutase. Biochem. Genet. 28: 543-552.
5. Perl-Treves, R. and Galun, E. (1991) The tomato Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase genes are developmentally regulated and respond to light and stress. Plant Mol. Biol.17: 745-760.
6. Perl, A., Perl-Treves, R., Galili, S., Aviv, D., Shalgi, E., Malkin, S. and Galun, E. (1992) Enhanced oxidative-stress defense in transgenic potato expressing tomato Cu, Zn superoxide dismutases. Theor. Appl. Genet. 85: 568-576.
7. Perl-Treves, R., Howlett, B. and Nasrallah, M.E. (1993) Self-incompatibility related glycoproteins of Brassica are produced and secreted by transgenic tobacco cell cultures. Plant Science 92: 99-110.
8. Abadi, R., Perl-Treves, R. and Levy, Y. (1996) Molecular variability among Exserohilum turcicum isolates using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Can. J. Plant Pathol. 18: 29-34.
9. Huang R., Galperin M., Levy Y., Perl-Treves R. (1997) Genetic variation of Fusarium moniliforme detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. PlantPathol. 46: 871-881.
10. Mizrahi L., Achituv Y., Katcoff D. and Perl-Treves R. (1998) Phylogenetic position of Ibla (Cirripedia; Thoracica) based on 18S r DNA sequence analysis. J. Crustacean Biol. 18: 363-368.
11. Perl-Treves R., Kahana A., Rosenmann N., Yu X., Silberstein L. (1998) Expression of multiple Agamous-like genes in male and female flowers of cucumber (Cucumissativus L.). Plant Cell Physiol. 39: 701-710.
12. Perl-Treves R., Kahana A., Korach T., Kessler N. (1998) Cloning of three cDNAs encoding 1-aminocycloproane-1-carboxylate oxidases from cucumber floral buds (accession Nos. AF033581, AF033582 and AF033583) (PGR98-037). Plant Physiol. 116: 1192.
13. Silberstein L., Kovalski I., Huang R., Anagnostou K., Kyle M.M. and Perl-Treves R. (1999) Molecular variation in Cucumis melo as revealed by RFLP and RAPD markers. Scientia Horticulturae 79: 101-111.
14. Stepansky A., Kovalski I., Schaffer A.A., Perl-Treves R. (1999) Variation in sugar levels and invertase activity in mature fruit representing a broad spectrum ofCucumis melo genotypes. Genet. Resources Crop Evol. 46: 53-62.
15. Stepansky A, Kovalski I, Perl-Treves R. (1999) Intraspecific classification of Cucumis melo based on morphological and molecular evaluation. Plant Systematics and Evolution 217: 313-333.
16. Kahana A., Silberstein L., Kessler N., Goldstein R.S., Perl-Treves R. (1999) Expression of cucumber ACC oxidases differs among sex genotypes and sex phases. Plant Mol. Biol. 41: 517-528.
17. Perl-Treves R., Mizrahi L, Katcoff D.J. and Achituv Y. (2000) Elucidation of the phylogenetic relationship of three cirripeds, Verruca, Paralepas and Dendrogaster(Cirripedia; Thoracica) based on 18S r DNA sequence. J. Crustacean Biol. 20: 385-392.
18. Mokadi, O., Mizrahi L., Perl-Treves R. and Achituv Y. (2000) The different morphs of Chtamalus anisopoma - a phenotypic response? Direct molecular evidence. J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecol. 243: 295-304.
19. Anagnostou K., Kyle M. and Perl-Treves R. (2000) Inheritance and linkage analysis of resistance to zucchini yellow mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus, papayaringspot virus and powdery mildew in melon. Euphytica 116: 265-270.
20. Kafkas S., Perl-Treves R. and Kaska N. (2000) Unusual Pistacia atlantica trees in the Yunt Mountains of the Manisa Province of Turkey. Isr. J. Plant Sci. 48: 277-280.
21. Klingler J., Kovalski I., Silberstein L., Thompson G.A. and Perl-Treves R. (2001) Mapping of cotton-melon aphid resistance in melon. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 126: 56-63.
22. Kafkas S and Perl-Treves R. (2001) Morphological and molecular phylogeny of Pistacia species in Turkey. Theor. Appl. Genet. 102: 908-915.
23. Kafkas S., Cetiner MS and Perl-Treves R. (2001) Development of sex-associated RAPD markers in wild Pistacia species. J. Hortic Sci. Technol. 76: 242-246.
24. Kafkas S. and Perl-Treves R. (2002) Inter-specific relationships in the genus Pistacia L. (Anacardiaceae) based on RAPD fingerprints. HortScience 37: 168-171.
25. Kafkas S, Kafkas E and Perl-Treves R. (2002) Morphological diversity and a germplasm survey of wild Pistacia species in Turkey. Genet. Resources Crop Evol. 49: 261-270.
26. Brotman Y, Silberstein L, Kovalski I, Perin C, Dogimont C, Pitrat M, Klingler J, Thompson G and Perl-Treves R. (2002) Resistance gene homologues in melon and their linkage to genetic loci conferring disease and pest resistance. Theor. Appl. Genet. 104: 1055-1065.
27. Karaco S., Achituv Y., Perl-Treves R. and Katcoff D. (2002) Asterina burtoni (Asteroidea; Echinodermata) in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea: does asexual reproduction ability enhance colonization? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 234: 139-145.
28. Burger Y, Katzir N, Tzuri G, Portnoy V, Saar U, Shriber S, Perl-Treves R, Cohen R (2003) Variation in the response of melon genotypes to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.melonis race 1 determined by inoculation tests and molecular markers. Plant Pathology 52: 204-211
29. Silberstein L, Kovalski I, Brotman Y, Perin C, Dogimont C, Pitrat M, Klingler J, Thompson G, Portnoy V, Katzir N, Perl-Treves R. Linkage map of Cucumis meloincluding horticultural traits sequence-characterized genes. Genome, 46: 761-773.
30. Perl-Treves R, Foley RC, Wenqiong C and Singh KB (2004) Early induction of the Arabidopsis GSTF8 promoter by specific strains of the necrotrophic fungal pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 17: 70-80.
31. Tertivanidis K, Goudoula C, Vasilikiotis C, Hassiotou E, Perl-Treves R, Tsaftaris A (2004) Superoxide dismutase transgenes in sugarbeets confer resistance to oxidative agents and the fungus C-beticola. Transgenic Research 13: 225-233.
32. Rajagopalan P, Perl-Treves R (2005) Improved protocol for Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) transformation by modified explant dissection and selection. HortScience40: 431-435.
33. Brotman Y, Kovalski I, Dogimont C, Pitrat C, Portnoy V, Katzir N and Perl-Treves R (2005) Molecular markers linked to papaya ring spot virus resistance andFusarium race-2 resistance in melon. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110: 337-345.
34. Grinberg M, Perl-Treves R, Palevsky E, Shomer I, Soroker V. (2005) Interaction between cucumber plants and the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus: from damage to defense gene expression. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 115: 135-144.
35. Vengadesan G, Prem Anand R, Selvaraj N, Perl-Treves R, Ganapathi A. Transfer and expression of NptII and bar genes in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 41: 17-21.
36. Albert VA, Soltis DE, Carlson JE, Farmerie WG, Wall PK, Ilut DC, Solow TM, Mueller LA, Landherr LL, Hu Y, Buzgo M, Kim S, Yoo M-J, Frohlich MW, Perl-Treves R, Schlarbaum SE, Bliss BJ, Zhang X, Tanksley S, Oppenheimer DG, Soltis PS, Ma H, dePamphilis CW, Leebens-Mack JH. Floral gene resources from basal angiosperms for comparative genomics research. BMC Plant Biology, 5:5.
37. Çürük S, Çetiner S, Elman C, Xia X, Wang Y, Yeheskel A, Silberstein L, Perl-Treves R, Watad AA, Gaba V. (2005) Transformation of recalcitrant melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars is facilitated by wounding with carborundum. Engineering in Life Sciences, 5: 169-177.
38. Foley RC, Sappl PG, Perl-Treves R, Millar HA and Singh KB (2006) Desensitization of gstf8 induction by a prior chemical treatment is long lasting and operates in a tissue-dependent manner. Plant Physiology 142: 245-253.
39. Twito T, Weigend S, Blum S, Granevitze Z, Feldman MW, Perl-Treves R, Lavi U, Hillel J. (2007) Biodiversity of 20 chicken breeds assessed by SNPs located in gene regions. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 117: 319–326.
40. Herman R and Perl-Treves R. (2007) Characterization and inheritance of a new source of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis race 1.2 in Cucumis melo.Plant Disease 91: 1180-1186.
41. Gerchikov N, Keren-Keiserman A, Perl-Treves R, Ginzberg I. (2008) Wounding of melon fruits as a model system to study rind netting. Scientia Horticulturae 117: 115-122.
42. Farage-Barhom S, Burd S, Sonego L, Perl-Treves R, Lers A. (2008) Expression analysis of the BFN1 nuclease gene promoter during senescence, abscission, and programmed cell death-related processes. Journal of Experimental Botany 59: 3247-3258.
43. Alagarmalai J, Grinberg M, Perl-Treves R, Soroker V (2009) Host selection by herbivorous mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidae). J. Insect Behaviour22:375–387.
44. Boualem A, Troadec C, Kovalski I, Sari MA, Perl-Treves R and Bendahmane A (2009) A conserved Ethylene Biosynthesis Enzyme Leads to Andromonoecy in twoCucumis species. PLoS One 4: e6144.
45. Chatzidimitriadou K, Nianiou-Obeidat I, Madesis P, Perl-Treves R, Tsaftaris A (2009) Expression of SOD transgene in pepper confer stress tolerance and improve shoot regeneration. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 12: 10.
46. Zvirin Z, Herman R, Brotman Y, Denisov Y, Belausov E, Freeman S and Perl-Treves R (2010) Differential colonization and defense responses of resistant and susceptible melon lines infected by Fusarium oxysporum race 1.2. Plant Pathology 59, 576–585.
47. Twito T, Madeleine D, Perl-Treves R, Hillel J, Lavi U (2011) Comparative genome analysis with the human genome reveals chicken genes associated with fatness and body weight. Animal Genetics 42: 642-649
48. Brotman Y, Normantovich M, Goldenberg Z, Zvirin Z, Kovalski I, Stovbun N, Donniger T, Bolger AM, Troadec C, Bendahmane A, Cohen R, Katzir N, Pitrat M,Dogimont C, Perl-Treves R (2013) Dual resistance of melon to Fusarium oxysporum races 0 and 2 and to Papaya ring-spot virus is controlled by a pair of head-to-head oriented NB-LRR genes of unusual architecture. Molecular Plant 6: 235-238 Supplemental data
Books Invited Reviews and Book Chapters
1. Leshem YY, Kuiper PJC, Erdei L, Lurie S and Perl-Treves R. (1998) Do Selye’s mammalian “GAS” concept (General Adaptation Syndrome) and “Co-stress” response exist in plants? In: Stress of Life: from Molecules to Man. Editor: P. Csermely. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, vol. 851, pp. 199-208.
2. Perl-Treves R (1999) Male to female conversion along the cucumber shoot: approaches to study sex genes and floral development in Cucumis sativus. In: Sex Determination in Plants. Editor: C.C. Ainsworth. BIOS Scientific Publisher, Oxford, pp. 189-216.
3. Perl-Treves R (1999) Floral development and sex expression in Cucumis sativus, the cucumber: genetic and molecular approaches. Flowering Newsletter 28: 39-48.
4. Perl-Treves R. and Perl A. (2002) Oxidative stress: an introduction. In: Oxidative Stress in Plants. Van Montagu M., Inze D., Taylor and Francis Books Ltd, London andNew York.
5. Perl-Treves R and Rajagopalan P (2006) Close, yet separate: patterns of male and female floral development in monoecious species. In: Flowering and its Manipulation. Editor: C.C. Ainsworth. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 117-146.
6. Oumouloud A, El-Otmani M, González Torres R, Garcés Claver A, Perl-Treves R, Álvarez JM (2013) Breeding melon for resistance to Fusarium wilt: Recent developments. Euphytica, in press
Selected Chapters in Proceedings Books
1. Rajagopalan P, Saraf-Levy T, Lizhe A and Perl-Treves, R (2004) Over-expression of an ethylene receptor increases femaleness in transgenic cucumbers. Proceedings of the VIIIth EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 12-17 July 2004, 525-531.
2. Brotman Y, Kovalski I, Dogimont C, Pitrat M, Katzir N and Perl-Treves R (2004) Molecular mapping of the melon Fom-1/Prv locus. Proceedings of the VIIIthEUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 12-17 July 2004, pp. 485-489.
3. Grinberg G, Soroker V, Palevsky E, Shomer I and Perl-Treves R (2004) Response of cucumber to the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus. Proceedings of the VIIIthEUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 12-17 July 2004, 319-324.
4. Herman R, Zvirin Z, Kovalski I, Freeman S, Denisov Y, Zuri G, Katzir N, Perl-Treves R (2008) characterization of Fusarium race 1.2 resistance in melon and mapping of a major QTL for this trait near a fruit netting locus. Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, Avignon, France, 21-24 May 2008, 149-156.
5. Baniel A, Saraf-Levy T, Perl-Treves R. (2008) How Does the First Fruit Inhibit Younger Fruit Set In Cucurbits? Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, Avignon, France, 21-24 May 2008, 597-601.
6. Valentina Davidovich V, Leibman D, Gal-On A, Perl-Treves R (2008) Affecting cucurbit hormonal status by the ZYMV transient expression vector. Proceedings of theIXth EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, Avignon, France, 21-24 May 2008, 587-591.
7. Fraenkel R , I. Kovalski I, C. Troadec C, Bendahmane A, Perl-Treves R (2012) A TILLING population for cucumber forward and reverse genetics. In: Proceedings of the X Eucarpia Meeting on the Cucurbitaceae, Antalia, October15-18 2012, pp, 598-603.
8. Miller G, Goltsev Y, Dalia Wolf D, Baniel A, Saraf-Levy T, Kovalski I, Perl-Treves R (2012) Developmental changes in inhibited, senescent and fruit-setting ovaries of cucumber. In: Proceedings of the X Eucarpia Meeting on the Cucurbitaceae, Antalia, October15-18 2012, pp, 591-596.
9. Normantovich M, Yogev O, Taylor CG, Perl-Treves R (2012) Study of the Fom-2 resistance gene using composite melon plants. In: Proceedings of the X Eucarpia Meeting on the Cucurbitaceae, Antalia, October15-18 2012, pp, 240-246.
אמצעי התקשורת
• תמונות נוספות של רפי: 1, 2, 3, 4.
•תמונות של הקבוצה שלנו:
1995, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2004b, 2004c, 2010a, 2010b, 2011a, 2011b,
• איורים של הקבוצה שלנו:
Irina, Prem, Yariv&Zachi1, Yariv&Zachi2, Zachi, Mor1, Mor2, Michal,
Rani, Avital, AnatH, Avida, Golan, Yula.
• תמונות משפחתיות:
Ithaca 1992, Yair's Bar-Mizva 2001, Alps 2003, Tamar's Bat-Mizva 2004, Perth 2003a, b, c, d, e, f , Cairns 2003, Perl's 50th anniversary 2006a, b, Beijing 2006a, b, Badaling 2006, Yunnan 2006a, b, c, d, Negev Desert 2007a, b, Croatia 2008, Metz 2008, Jordan Valley 2008, Paris 2008, Noam 2008, David 2007a, b, Yair 2008, David 2009,Torino2012a, b, c, d, Roma 2012, Nova Scotia 2010a, b, c, d, e, Hanukka 2012, Succot 2012, Lazarus Wedding 2012a, b, c, Tamar enrolls 2012a, b, Japan 2012a, b, c, d, e, f,g, h, i, j, Noam Bar Mizva a, b, c, d, e .
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 27/03/2022