ספרים חדשים בספרייה


עטלפים/יוסי יובלIntroduction to biodeterioration / Dennis Allsopp, Kenneth J. Seal, Christine C. Gaylarde.

Introduction to biodeterioration / Dennis Allsopp, Kenneth J. Seal, Christine C. Gaylarde

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004

620.11223 ALL I2

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry : International Edition

Lehninger principles of biochemistry / David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox, Aaron A. Hoskins

New York, NY : Macmillan Learning, [2021]

572 NEL l8


עטלפים/יוסי יובל

עטלפים / יוסי יובל ; עורכת הספר: עלמה כהן ורדי

חבל מודיעין : כנרת, זמורה

[תשפ"ג] 2023

599.4 יוב.עט תשפ"ג

Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts, Rebecca Heald, Alexander Johnson, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter ; with problems by John Wilson, Tim Hunt.  Alberts, Bruce, author.  [2022]

Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts, Rebecca Heald, Alexander Johnson, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter ; with problems by John Wilson, Tim Hunt.

Alberts, Bruce, author.

[2022]; Seventh edition. International edition.

[electronic resource]

574.87 ALB m7

חי!  מסע לפיצוח החידה הגדולה מהם החיים קרל זימר

חי! : מסע לפיצוח החידה הגדולה: מהם החיים? / קרל זימר ; מאנגלית: עדי מרקוזה הס.

[תשפ"ג] 2023

570.1 זימ.חי תשפ"ג

Principles of Animal Locomotion

Principles of Animal Locomotion

Princeton University Press, 2006 

[electronic resource]

591.479 ALE p

Graphs and networks / S. R. Kingan

Animal Locomotion / Andrew A. Biewener

2nd edition

Oxford University Press, 2018 

[electronic resource]

573.79 BIE a2

Graphs and networks / S. R. Kingan

Animal Movement Across Scales

Oxford University Press, 2014 

[electronic resource]

591.568 ANI 2014

Animal locomotion : physical principles and adaptations / Malcolm S. Gordon

Animal locomotion : physical principles and adaptations / Malcolm S. Gordon

CRC Press, 2017.

[electronic resource]

591.57 GOR a

Graphs and networks / S. R. Kingan

Graphs and networks / S. R. Kingan.

Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2022

511.5 KIN g

Clinical Hematology Made Ridiculously Simple

Clinical Hematology Made Ridiculously Simple / Stephen Goldberg


616.15 GOL c

דרך ציפור : מבט רב מעוף בסודות הציפורים / ג'ניפר אקרמן

דרך ציפור: מבט רב מעוף בסודות הציפורים - תבונה, תקשורת, אהבה ולהטוטים / ג'ניפר אקרמן; מאנגלית: תום דולב; ייעוץ מדעי: יורם יום-טוב; איורים: ג'ון בורגוין; עריכה נוספת: ד"ר ערן לוין; עריכת תרגום: יעל ינאי .תשפ"ב 2022

[electronic resource] +

598.15 אקר.דר תשפ"ב

עולם הצמחים / יותם ציפר-ברגר

עולם הצמחים / יותם ציפר-ברגר, [תשפ"ב 2022]

581 ציפ.עו תשפ"ב

Essentials of genetics / William S. Klug, Michael R. Cummings

Essentials of genetics / William S. Klug, Michael R. Cummings ; with essays contributed by Mark Shotwell, Charlotte Spencer, Third edition, Prentice Hall, [1999]

576.5 KLU e3

Bancroft's theory and practice of histological techniques. [edited by] S. Kim Suvarna, 8th ed.

Bancroft's theory and practice of histological techniques / [edited by] S. Kim Suvarna, Eighth edition, 2019

616.07583 BAN 2019

Cardiovascular physiology. David E. Mohrman, 9th ed.

Cardiovascular physiology / David E. Mohrman, Lois Jane Heller, 2018 

+ [electronic resource]

612.1 MOH c9

Clinical microbiology procedures handbook. editor in chief, Amy L. Leber,4th ed

Clinical microbiology procedures handbook / editor in chief, Amy L. Leber, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio,  [2016]; 4th edition

616.9041 CLI 2016

Ecology. William D. Bowman

Ecology / William D. Bowman, Sally D. Hacker, Michael L. Cain, [2017]; Fourth edition

577 BOW e4

Campbell biology. Lisa A. Urry

Campbell biology / Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Jane B. Reece, [2017]; Eleventh edition

570 URR c11

Bailey & Scott's diagnostic microbiology / Patricia M. Tille

Bailey & Scott's diagnostic microbiology / Patricia M. Tille, [2017]; Fourteenth edition

616.07 TIL b14

Ecology: concepts and applications. Manuel C. Molles

Ecology: concepts and applications / Manuel C. Molles, Jr., University of New Mexico, 2016]; Seventh edition

577 MOL e7

Human physiology, an integrated approach. Dee Unglaub Silverthorn,

Human physiology: an integrated approach / Dee Unglaub Silverthorn, with William C. Ober, illustration coordinator; Claire W. Garrison, illustrator ; Andrew C. Silverthorn, clinical consultant ; with contributions by Bruce R. Johnson, c2004; 3rd ed.

612 SIL h3

Junqueira's basic histology: text and atlas / Anthony L. Mescher, PhD (Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Bloomington, Indiana), [2018]; Fifteenth edition

Junqueira's basic histology: text and atlas / Anthony L. Mescher, PhD (Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Bloomington, Indiana), [2018]; Fifteenth edition

 611.018 MES j15

Plant physiology and development / Lincoln Taiz, [2018]; International Sixth edition

Plant physiology and development / Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Ian Max Møller, Angus Murphy, [2018]; International Sixth edition

581.1 TAI p6

Manual of clinical microbiology / Jorgensen, James H., editor, 2015

Manual of clinical microbiology / Jorgensen, James H., editor, 2015 

[electronic resource]

616.01 MAN 2015

Janeway's immunobiology / Murphy, Kenneth (Kenneth M.), 2016; 9th edition.

Janeway's immunobiology / Murphy, Kenneth (Kenneth M.), 2016; 9th edition.

616.079 MUR j9

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases / [edited by] John E. Bennett, [2015]; Eighth edition

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases / [edited by] John E. Bennett, [2015]; Eighth edition

616.9 MAN 2015

Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease / [edited by] Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster; with illustrations by James A. Perkins, 2015; Ninth edition

Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease / [edited by] Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster; with illustrations by James A. Perkins, 2015; Ninth edition

 616.07 ROB 2015

Intestinal microorganisms of termites and other invertebrates / Helmut Konig, Ajit Varma (eds.), [2006]

Intestinal microorganisms of termites and other invertebrates / Helmut Konig, Ajit Varma (eds.), [2006]

597.17 INT 2006

Principles of anatomy & physiology / Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan Derrickson, [2017]; 15th edition, Global edition

Principles of anatomy & physiology / Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan Derrickson, [2017]; 15th edition, Global edition

612 TOR p15

MRI - המדריך המלא : רפואה ופיזיקה נפגשות / עופר בן חורין, [תשע"ו] 2016

MRI - המדריך המלא : רפואה ופיזיקה נפגשות / עופר בן חורין, [תשע"ו] 2016

ספריה לכימיה, פיזיקה:

85.6 בן-חור.אם תשע"ו

ספריה למדעי החיים: 

616.07548 בן-חור.אם תשע"ו

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases [electronic resource] / John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, Martin J. Blaser, [2019]; Ninth edition

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases  / John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, Martin J. Blaser, [2019]; Ninth edition

[electronic resource]

570 סטר.בי תשע"ה

ביולוגיה - האחידות והמגוון של החיים / ססי סטאר


ביולוגיה - האחידות והמגוון של החיים / ססי סטאר, ראלף טגארט, כריסטין אוורס, ליסה סטאר, תשע"ה-תשע"ז 2015-2016

[electronic resource]

570 סטר.בי תשע"ה

על פני ימים רבים : מיומנו של ביולוג ימי / כתב וצילם: רמי קליין

על פני ימים רבים : מיומנו של ביולוג ימי / כתב וצילם: רמי קליין ; קריאה ביקורתית והערות : דיתה אליעז, תשע"ח 2018

578.77 קלי.על תשע"ח

 Animal defenses. Christina Wilsdon

Animal defenses [electronic resource] / Wilsdon, Christina, [2009]

Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts [and 6 others]; with problems by John Wilson, Tim Hunt, [2015]; Sixth edition

Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts [and 6 others]; with problems by John Wilson, Tim Hunt, [2015]; Sixth edition

574.87 ALB m6

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's handbook of bird biology / edited by Irby J. Lovette and John W. Fitzpatrick, 2016; Third edition

The Cornell Lab of Orithology's handbook of bird biology / edited by Irby J. Lovette and John W. Fitzpatrick, 2016; Third edition

598 COR 2016

Principles of development / Wolpert, L. (Lewis), 2019; Sixth edition

Principles of development / Wolpert, L. (Lewis), 2019; Sixth edition

571.8 WOL p6

The already dead: the new time of politics, culture, and illness / Eric Cazdyn, 2012

The already dead: the new time of politics, culture, and illness / Eric Cazdyn, 2012

306.342 CAZ a

A History of Immunology [electronic resource] / Arthur M. Silverstein, 2009

A History of Immunology [electronic resource] / Arthur M. Silverstein, 2009

Immunity [electronic resource]: How Elie Metchnikoff Changed the Course of Modern Medicine / Vikhanski, Luba

Immunity [electronic resource]: How Elie Metchnikoff Changed the Course of Modern Medicine / Vikhanski, Luba

Beyond Words [electronic resource]: What Animals Think and Feel / Safina, Carl, 2016

Beyond Words [electronic resource]: What Animals Think and Feel / Safina, Carl, 2016

Fundamentals of Microbiome Science [electronic resource]: How Microbes Shape Animal Biology / Angela E. Douglas, [2018]

Fundamentals of Microbiome Science [electronic resource]: How Microbes Shape Animal Biology / Angela E. Douglas, [2018]

Genomics in the cloud [electronic resource]: using Docker, GATK, and WDL in Terra / Geraldine A. Van der Auwera and Brian D. O'Connor, 2020

Genomics in the cloud [electronic resource]: using Docker, GATK, and WDL in Terra / Geraldine A. Van der Auwera and Brian D. O'Connor, 2020

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow [electronic resource] / Géron, Aurélien, [2019]; Second edition

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow [electronic resource] / Géron, Aurélien, [2019]; Second edition

Python Machine Learning [electronic resource]: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2 / Raschka, Sebastian, [2019]; Third edition

Python Machine Learning [electronic resource]: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2 / Raschka, Sebastian, [2019]; Third edition

Deleuzian intersections : science, technology, anthropology / edited by Casper Bruun Jensen and Kjetil Rødje, 2010

Deleuzian intersections : science, technology, anthropology / edited by Casper Bruun Jensen and Kjetil Rødje, 2010

146.44 DEL 2010

Gendered innovations in science and engineering / edited by Londa Schiebinger

Gendered innovations in science and engineering / edited by Londa Schiebinger

305.435 GEN 2008

Life, war, earth: Deleuze and the sciences / John Protevi

Life, war, earth: Deleuze and the sciences / John Protevi

[electronic resource]

194 DEL(PRO) l

Synthetic biology and morality : artificial life and the bounds of nature / edited by Gregory E. Kaebnick and Thomas H. Murray

Synthetic biology and morality : artificial life and the bounds of nature / edited by Gregory E. Kaebnick and Thomas H. Murray

174.2 SYN 2013

Measuring behaviour : an introductory guide / Paul Martin, Patrick Bateson

Measuring behaviour : an introductory guide / Paul Martin, Patrick Bateson

591.51 MAR m3

Basic & clinical pharmacology / edited by Bertram G. Katzung

Basic & clinical pharmacology / edited by Bertram G. Katzung

615.1 BAS 2021


Animal behavior / Dustin R. Rubenstein, John Alcock

Animal behavior / Dustin R. Rubenstein, John Alcock

591.5 RUB a11

הסוד הקדמוני : לחיות כמו שהגוף שלך רוצה / דעאל שלו

הסוד הקדמוני : לחיות כמו שהגוף שלך רוצה / דעאל שלו ; עורך: ליעד ליבנה ; איורים: יהונתן קינן

613.2 שלו.סו תשע"ד

Principles of virology / Jane Flint, Vincent R. Racaniello, Glenn F. Rall, Theodora Hatziioannou, Anna Marie Skalka. Fifth edition

Principles of virology / Jane Flint, Vincent R. Racaniello, Glenn F. Rall, Theodora Hatziioannou, Anna Marie Skalka. Fifth edition

579.2 FLI p5

Statistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan / Richard McElreath.  Second edition

Statistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan / Richard McElreath. 
Second edition

519.542 MAC-ELR s2