Contact Information


The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences

Bar-Ilan University

Ramat Gan 5290002



The Dean's Office

Dean: Prof. Cyrille Cohen

Coordinator, Office of the Dean: Ms. Ofra Israeli

Head of Administration: Mr. Eran Giladi

Deputy Head of Administration: Ms. Yehudith Ben-Gigi Kadosh

Academic Appointments Coordinator: Ms. Rosa Rotenberg


Vice Deans

Vice Dean for Teaching: Prof. Tamar Juven-Gershon

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies: Prof. Galit Shohat-Ophir

Vice Dean for Infrastructure and Research Resources: Prof. Eitan Okun


School of Optometry and Vision science

Head of School of Optometry and Vision science: Prof. Yossi Mandel

Head of Program

Head of the Computational Biology Program:  Prof. Ron Unger


Teaching Secretariat

Teaching Coordinator: Ms. Nava Moshe 

Student Recruitment and Services Coordinator: Mr. Dor Arami

Telephone: 972-3-5317646 

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Services Help Desk

  • Sunday and Tuesday: 10:00-14:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00-12:00
  • Monday and Thursday: 9:00-12:30


Academic Advisors


Academic Advisor and Certificate Programs Developer in Biology: Dr. Sarit Shalev-Itzhaki

Academic Advisor: Dr. Ilana Loinger 

Student Recruitment and Services Coordinator: Mr. Dor Arami

Student Recruitment and Services Coordinator: Ms. Sham Khatib

Graduate Degrees

Academic Advisor for Graduate Degrees and Teaching Labs Coordinator: Dr. Hila Elifantz

Graduate Student Registrar: Ms. Shani Hazan

Student Recruitment Registrar: Ms. Batel Fuor

Scholarships and Digital Content Coordinator: Ms. Ortal Zach

Help Desk

  • Sunday and Tuesday: 10:00-14:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00-12:00
  • Monday and Thursday: 9:00-12:30
School of Optometry and Vision science 

Administrative Director, School of Optometry and Vision Science Dr. Lahmi Roxane


Feel free to contact us for advice and information via Automatic contact form