Computerized Information Services
Dory - General and personal information for students
Moodle - On-line learning system.
Synapse - Available until 4.3.2012- On-line learning system. The system includes tools for building, managing, and organizing courses according to the specific needs of each course. The system enables the building of course websites in an easy and friendly manner. It provides tools that allow the distribution of material, links, exercises, Wiki, and communication with students.
BookIT - A computerized system for booking scientific equipment. With this system, you can book microscopes, FACS, RT-PCR, spectral measurement instrument microtome, live imaging, laptop computers, slide projectors, and classrooms.
Anomalia - A computerized lab-management system that enables the monitoring of inventory, ordering of materials, documentation of protocols for experiments, duty roster, and user management of each lab.
Hadas - A system for reporting computer malfunctions (managed by the Computer Center and the Life Sciences Computing Unit).
EnzymeIT - A computerized system for ordering enzymes and other reagents from the company freezers located at Bar Ilan.
With this system, you can look at the catalog for all the products that can be found in the freezers and order what you want.
After ordering your item, come down to the freezer (building 212, room 007) to pick it up.
BiuMail - Mail system for academic personnel.
Lotus Notes - Mail system for administrative personnel.