Prof. Shay Ben-Aroya
Personal details:
Date of birth: October 17, 1968
Place of birth: Israel
Military Service (1987-1994)- Graduate of the Israeli Naval Academy-Released as a Major
Academic background:
October 2009-present: Senior lecturer
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat-Gan Israel
2005-July 2009: Post-doctoral Fellow
University of British Columbia,
Michael Smith Laboratories,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
PI: Dr. Philip A. Hieter
Research: “Identifying and exploiting the underlying molecular defects leading to Chromosome Instability in Cancer”
1999-2003: PhD.
Tel-Aviv University
Dept. of Molecular Micro and Biotech
PI: Professor Martin Kupiec
Thesis Title: “Characterization of factors involved in the maintenance of genome stability in the yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae”
1997-1999: MSc.
Tel-Aviv University
Dept. of Molecular Micro and Biotech
PI: Professor Martin Kupiec
Thesis Title: “Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that show increased levels of recombination between repeated sequences”
1994 –1997: BSc.
Biology Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Selected publications (since 2010):
- Identification of exceptionally potent adenosine deaminases RNA editors from high body temperature organisms. Adi Avram-Shperling, Eli Kopel, Orshay Gabay, Amit Ben-David, Sarit Karako-Lampert, Joshua J.C. Rosenthal, Erez Y. Levanon, Eli Eisenberg* and Shay Ben-Aroya1. 2022, Under revisions, PLOS GENETICS
- Reversal of histone H2B mono-ubiquitination is required for replication stress recovery. Hadar Tzemach Korenfeld*, Adi Avram Shperling*, Yifat Zukerman, Anais Iluz, Hanna Boocholez, Lilach Ben-Shimon and Shay Ben-Aroya. DNA Repair (Amst). 2022 Aug 18;119:103387
- Inherited retinal diseases: Linking genes, disease-causing variants, and relevant therapeutic modalities. Schneider N, Sundaresan Y, Gopalakrishnan P, Beryozkin A, Hanany M, Levanon EY, Banin E, Ben-Aroya S, Sharon D. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2022 Jul;89:101029. doi: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2021.101029. Epub 2021 Nov 25. Review.
- Spatial organization of proteasome aggregations regulates proteasome subunits homeostasis. Ofri Karmon, and Shay Ben-Aroya. Front Mol Biosci. 2020 Jan 9;6:150.
- Regulation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome by the Degradation of its Unassembled Catalytic Subunit, Apc11. Volpe M, Levinton N, Rosenstein N, Prag G, Ben-Aroya S. FASEB J. 2019 Sep;33(9):9752-9761.
- Fe-S cluster coordination of the chromokinesin KIF4A alters its subcellular localization during mitosis. Ben-Shimon L, Paul VD, David-Kadoch G, Volpe M, Stümpfig M, Bill E, Mühlenhoff U, Lill R, Ben-Aroya S. J Cell Sci. 2018 Jun 27;131(12).
- A-to-I RNA Editing: An Overlooked Source of Cancer Mutations. Ben-Aroya S*, Levanon EY*. Cancer Cell. 2018 May 14;33(5):789-790.*Co-corresponding authors
- A New Method, "Reverse Yeast Two-Hybrid Array" (RYTHA), Identifies Mutants that Dissociate the Physical Interaction Between Elg1 and Slx5. Lev I, Shemesh K, Volpe M, Sau S, Levinton N, Molco M, Singh S, Liefshitz B, Ben Aroya S*, Kupiec M*. Genetics. 2017 Jul;206(3):1683-1697. doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.200451. Epub 2017 May 5. *Co-corresponding authors
- A bacterial genetic selection system for ubiquitylation cascade discovery. Levin-Kravets O, Tanner N, Shohat N, Attali I, Keren-Kaplan T, Shusterman A, Artzi S, Varvak A, Reshef Y, Shi X, Zucker O, Baram T, Katina C, Pilzer I, Ben-Aroya S, Prag G. Nat Methods. Nov;13(11):945-952. (2016)
- Structure of ubiquitylated-Rpn10 provides insight into its autoregulation mechanism. Keren-Kaplan T, Zeev Peters L, Levin-Kravets O, Attali I, Kleifeld O, Shohat N, Artzi S, Zucker O, Pilzer I, Reis N, Glickman MH, Ben-Aroya S, Prag G. Nat Commun. Oct 4;7:12960. (2016)
- Proteasome storage granules are transiently associated with the insoluble protein deposit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Peters LZ, Karmon O, Miodownik S, Ben-Aroya S. J Cell Sci. Mar 15;129(6):1190-7. (2016)
- Lee Zeev Peters*, Ofri Karmon*, Rotem Hazan , and Ben-Aroya S. The protein quality control machinery regulates its misassembled proteasome subunits, and distinguishes them from proteasome storage granules. PLOS Genet. (2015)
- Telomere length kinetics assay (TELKA) sorts the telomere length maintenance (tlm) mutants into functional groups. Rubinstein L, Ungar L, Harari Y, Babin V, Ben-Aroya S, Merenyi G, Marjavaara L, Chabes A, Kupiec M. Nucleic Acids Res, 42(10):6314-25. (2014)
- Lev I, Volpe M, Goor L, Levinton N, Emuna L, Ben-Aroya S. Reverse PCA, a Systematic Approach for Identifying Genes Important for the Physical Interaction between Protein Pairs. PLOS Genet. (2013)
- Peters LZ, Hazan R, Breker M, Schuldiner M, Ben-Aroya S. Formation and dissociation of proteasome storage granules are regulated by cytosolic pH. J Cell Biol. May 27;201(5):663-71. (2013).
- Stirling PC, Bloom MS, Solanki-Patil T, Smith S, Sipahimalani P, Li Z, Kofoed M, Ben-Aroya S, Myung K, Hieter P. The complete spectrum of yeast chromosome instability genes identifies candidate CIN cancer genes and functional roles for ASTRA complex components. PLOS Genet. (2011)
- Fridman Y, Palgi N, Dovrat D, Ben-Aroya S, Hieter P, Aharoni A.Subtle alterations in PCNA-partner interactions severely impair DNA replication and repair. PLoS Biol. (2010)
- Parnas O, Zipin-Roitman A, Pfander B, Liefshitz B, Mazor Y, Ben-Aroya S, Jentsch S, Kupiec M. Elg1, an alternative subunit of the RFC clamp loader, preferentially interacts with SUMOylated PCNA. EMBO J. Aug 4;29(15):2611-22. (2010)
- Shay Ben-Aroya, Neta Agmon, Karen Yuen, Kirk McManus, Martin Kupiec, and Philip Hieter. Proteasome nuclear activity affects chromosome stability by controlling the turnover of Mms22, a protein important for DNA repair. PLoS Genetics. (2010)
Last Updated Date : 24/01/2024