Research Fields
<?php /* This code was NOT generated by the views theming wizard as it took too much time to debug it.
* Instead, we manually take taxonomy terms out of the DB and use them to output HTML accordignly (that will
* point to the needed URL, which is itself a view + taxonomy combination
* IMPORTANT: as you can see, the code below ignores the given arguments and handles its
* output on its own. It woulud have been much better taken out to a simple "page" instead of using a view
* who's query we trash. Yet, the only reason why I keep this like that is since when using a view I get
* better breadcrumb, with the current implementation of our breadcrumbs. Cest tout.
* */
// get taxonomy terms for "fields of research" taxonomy vocabulary (vid=19)
$vocab = taxonomy_get_tree(19);
$output = '
- ';
foreach ($vocab as $term) {
$output .= "
- "; return $output; ?>
"; $output .= "$term->description"; $output .= "tid> Researches in this field"; } $output .= "