M.D. Medical School, University Geneva, 1954
Visiting Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science (1957-1961)
Director Institute of Endocrinology (1961-1992); Chairman Research & Ethical Committee (1977-1981) Sheba Medical Center
Since 1967 Consultant and Member of various committees, World Health Organization (WHO)
Joined Bar-Ilan University in 1967 and Founded and Headed the Dept. of Life Sciences in 1969
Full Professor 1969-1992
Professor Emeritus 1992 -present
Fellow Ad Eundum Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, U.K. (FRCOG) since 1981
Counselor Extern. Relations & Head Dept. Internat. Relations (1971-1985); Acting Chief Scientist (1984-1986), Ministry of Health
President - Israel Fertility Association (1979-1983); Israel Endocrine Society (1991- 1993)
Vice President Scientific Council, Israel Medical Association 1990-1997
Honorary Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecology (FACOG hon.) 1991 & Honorary Member - European Society of Human repoductioin and embryology (ESHRE), the Italian & French, Polish Society of Gynecology; The German Endocrine Society; The international Federation of fertility societies, and the Austrian Society of Fertility and Sterility.
Since 1989 Member of Executive Council Intern. Soc. of Gynecology Endocrinology;
Since 1997 president of the International Society for the study of the aging male
Since 1997 Editor in Chief of "The Aging Male"
More than 500 publications, 359 in refereed journals, 112 reports, reviews & chapters in books and Author, Co-Author or Editor of 32 books.
Supervised 50 students
Reproductive Endocrinology
Selected publications
Insler, V. and Lunenfeld, B. 1993. (2nd Edition). Infertility, Male and Female. Churchill Livingstone Edinburgh, London, Madrid, Melbourne, New York and Tokyo.
Lunenfeld, B. and Insler, V. 1996. GnRH Analogues - The State of the Art 1996. The Parthenon Publishing Group, London, New York
Lunenfeld, B. and Lunenfeld, E. 1997. Gonadotropic preparations - lessons learned. Fertil. Steril. 67: 812-814.
Lunenfeld, B. 1998. Der Alternde Mann- Bestandaufnahme und ausblick (The Aging Male- Stocktaking And Prospects). Sexologie 5: 162-171.
Lunenfeld, B. and Lunenfeld, E. 1998. Reproductive endocrinology: Quo vadis? Scientific, social, ethical and economic challenges. Gynecol. Endocrinol. 12: 371-379.
Modan, B. Ron, E. Lerner-Geva, L., Blumstein, T. Menczer, J. Rabinovici, J. Oelsner, G. Freedman, L. Mashgiach, S. and Lunenfeld, B. 1998. Cancer incidence in a cohort of infertile women. Am. J. Epidemiol. 147: 1038-1042.
Lunenfeld, B. 1999. Hormone replacement therapy in the aging male (Editorial). The Aging Male 2: 1-5.
Lunenfeld, Bruno. 1999. From animal gonadotrophins to recombinant FSH. Ladybrook Publishing.
Kalache, Alex, Lunenfeld, B. 2000. Men ageing and health. The Aging Male 3: 1-36.
Lunenfeld, B. 2001. Auf dem weg zum Männerarzt. MedReport 39: 6-11.
Lunenfeld, B. 2001. Parttielle Endokrine Defizienz Des Alternden Mannes. Journal Für Urologie Und Urologynäkologie 8: 3-5.
Lunenfeld, B. 2001. The Ageing Male. Journal of the British Menopause Society 7: 4-7.
Lunenfeld, B. 2001. Aging Men--challenges Ahead. Asian J Androl. 3: 161-168.
Lunenfeld, B. 2001. GnRH Analogues - The State of the Art 2001. London, New York, The Parthenon Publishing Group.
Lunenfeld, B. and Gooren, L. 2002, Textbook of Men's Health, The Parthenon Publishing Group, London, New York. ISBN 1-84214-0011-6.
Lunenfeld, B. 2003. Androgen therapy in the aging male. World J Urol 21: 292-305.
Habbema, JD, Collins, J, Leridon, H, Evers, JL, Lunenfeld, B., Te Velde, ER. 2004.Towards less confusing terminology in reproductive medicine: a proposal. Fertil Steril 82:. 36-40.
Lunenfeld, B. 2004. Historical perspectives in gonadotrophin therapy. Hum Reprod Update 10: 453-467.
Lunenfeld, B., Saad, F, Hoesl, CE. 2005. ISA, ISSAM and EAU recommendations for the investigation, treatment and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males: scientific background and rationale. Aging Male 8: 59-74.
Last Updated Date : 10/08/2022